✅chapter 6✅

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As you were walking through the space ship with guppy on your hip and your hand connected with Noodles hand you couldn't help but notice Wildcard making jealouse eyes at you and Noodles.

"Guys do you hear that??", A Capella asked making everyone listen closely.

By the time you had heard rumbling, an alien tentacle burst through the floor.

"Everyone RUN!!", Missy shouted.

Soon, everyone ran trying to dodge all of the tentacles that popped up through the ground. You all had made your way toward a balcony where you heard people talking about the takeover.

"They are in this building sir", one of the guards said while walking toward the second Guard.

"Good! Have they figured it out yet?", guard #2 said causing guard #1 to shake his head No.

All of the kids (apart from Wildcard and the bit- i mean Missy) looked closely at the guards trying to figure out what they had meant.

"We should go guys, we don't have much time left before the takeover begins.", Wheels said, causing everyone to turn to leave.

"Well,Well,Well, what do we have here?, M.s Granada questioned.

"Well what does it look like? Have you gone blind or something because its pretty clear what you have here!", Y/N shouted at M.s Granada.

For a moment, everyone looked shocked at Y/N's outburst but Noodles knew that she couldn't help it because Missy had gotten her really mad.

"First of all, NEVER talk to me like that again," M.s Granada said while Y/N rolled her eyes, " Secondly, you make guards float to make an escape from the Heroics building and then get away using our own personalised train!"

Everyone looked scared at what M.s Granada had to say and she smirked at there scared faces.

"YOU WERE TRYING TO KILL US BY TRAPPING US IN THE FREAKING ROOM VAULT THING, WHILE ALIENS WERE ABOUT TO ATTACK US!! YOU MONST-", Y/N got cut of by Noodles smacking his hand over her mouth to prevent her from saying anything.

"Round them up!!", M.s Granada shouted at the guards causing tentacles to grown from their backs.

All the kids had been rounded up and were thrown into a room which was very spacious but didn't have any windows or cushioned chairs.

When slo-mo was thrown into the room he didn't even get hurt.

"Cut it out slo-mo and stop being so dramatic, you didn't even scrape a knee.", wildcard said causing Missy to giggle and everyone else to groan.

M.s Granada had spotted Guppy about to take a sip of her water while on Y/N's hip.

"Take her water away and they are to powerful together so split them up!", M.s Granada said causing the guards thank Guppy away from her sister Y/N.

"Hey don't yank my sister away form me like that!", Y/N yelled causing everyone to shut her up.

Ojo then held her tablet close to her body so that no one takes it away from her.

"Dont worry,i wont take away your little gadget, i already know the future. Imprisonment For LIFE!", M.s Granada said while locking the doors.


Hey guys so I'm sorry that this is kind of short but im also sorry for not posting i ahve been very busy with trying to become and actress and school work. I will post tomorow or layer though :)

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