💖Chapter 2💖

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Both girls eventually reached the Headquarters and was greeted by a pretty lady with a short bob brown hair and a dark purple lipstick on.

"I'm Ms. Granada, director of the Heroics program.", the woman introduced as she led the two girls down the long hallways. "You two will b staying in the underground stronghold, where all the children of the superheroes are kept safe while there parents are out fighting of the crime. We certainly cannot afford to let any of you get in the grasp of the enemy's hands. This way."

They were both led to a hallway that had a door that looked like a vault. Missy began reasoning that she shouldn't be here because she was different than everyone else and that her dad promised that he wouldn't go on another mission.

"But do you know what everyone says about promises?", Ms. Granada said.

"That you should always keep them and if you don't then your a big fat liar and can never be trusted again?", Missy said.

"Are you going to be a problem, Missy?" Ms. Granada asked sternly. "Cause Y/N is doing so much better than you."

Missy shook her head and Y/N had her mouth in a grim line. Ms. Granada pointed at the door that was being opened and said, "Shall we?"

Inside the room, there were kids sitting at desks typing away on their computers almost like they were studying. Missy, Y/N and Ms Granada walked inside.

"Everyone, this is Missy and her step-sister Y/N. They will be joining you today.", Ms Granada said. "Missy. I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there.", she pointed towards the front desk. Then she pointed to the table at the back. There sat a boy with dark brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. "And you sit there, Y/N. And quietly continue your work along with the other children."

Missy and Y/N obeyed her orders and took their seats. Y/N carefully sat down, making sure not to touch anything with her bare hands.

"Children, thank you all for respecting my rules.", Ms Granada said, smiling. "Your parents will be so proud of you and you exceptional behaviour. Well done."

She then turned on her heels and left the room, the doors shut. Noodles craned his head and stretched hid head all the way over to the door. Missy looked at him with wide eyes while Y/N looked at him with curiosity running through her mind.

Noodles then pressed his ear flat against the door. He turned his head to look at everyone and exclaimed, "She's gone!"

The kids inside- except Missy, Y/N and the boy sat next to Y/N- cheered and ran around the room, playing and using their powers.

Y/N glanced at the boy who was sat next to her and found him tossing paper balls in the air. She then stood u and caught one, it almost immediately turned into an ice ball. She walked over to Missy and said, "This place isn't that bad, but my powers are still uncontrollable."

"Just keep calm and try to control them.", Missy said. Y/N rolled her eyes and said, "I've been trying to do tat for years, it's no use!"

A water air-plane suddenly flew past them and a little girl caught it with her hands. She smiled at the sisters. Being the polite person she is Y/N smiled back at the little girl.

Out of no where, a blonde boy sitting on a wheel chair stopped beside both of the girls and said, "Hey, I'm Wheels. Yes, they call me that on account of the wheel chair. It's a little on the nose but i like it cause it's cool."

Missy and Y/N nodded. Wheels said, "You're probably thinking I'm in a wheel chair because my legs are to weak, but it's the opposite. My muscles are so strong that my bones couldn't support them. But lucky for me, my brain's the same way, it's super charged. So I'm good."

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