👉 Chapter 4👈

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A/N: by the way, i wrote the first part earlier today so it's the same as the person's book but the last part is different by alot

"We did it.", Facemaker said.

"Yeah, we did it.", Missy said.

"But the train will only take us to just outside of the force field and then they'll catch us for sure!", Wheels informed them. Then he shrieked, "Look! They're already mobilizing.!"

At the end of the bridge, there were security guards ready to catch them. Missy stood up to look and said, "Brace yourselves!"

All of them held onto the chairs, pole, candles and whatever they could hold onto. Wild Card grabbed the pole. Y/N gripped onto the pole, making the are she touched get frosted. "You too, Guppy.", Missy told the small girl. Guppy firmly smacked her hand on the pole. Wild Card and Y/N stood up to see ahead.

"A Capella, make us fly.", Y/N said. A Capella stood up and sang in a deep voice, the train suddenly shook making Missy, Rewind, Wild Card and Y/N sit back down. A Capella's eyes started glowing a shade of yellow as she lifted her hand to her side, her hair flowing back gracefully. The train lifted from the ground. Missy, Noodles, Rewind, Y/N and Wild Card stood up once again as everyone cheered. The guards ran to the flying train, thinking they were just imagining it.

A Capella motioned that she couldn't steer, making her voice go up and down a bit making the train get bumpy.

"She can't steer!", Missy shouted. "We're gonna crash into that building!"

"We need to change directions!", Wheels said. Y/N looked at the back and said, "Noodles!"

"I'm on it!", Noodles said. He made his hands into a knot and punched the train window making the glass go everywhere. He held onto the pole of the train and hopped out of the window. He grabbed onto a huge street light, making the bus go around in circles.

"Help him out!", Missy said. Facemaker, Fast Forward, Rewind and Wild Card held onto Noodle's hand that was gripping the pole inside. Noodles' grasp let loose and he held onto the broken window of the train. Rewind and Missy held it, making sure he won't let go. The train spun around more and more.

"Now!", Y/N shouted from the window. Noodles then let go making the train fly into the sky missing the tower. He landed back into the train without a scratch on him.

"Back to base.", Ms Granada said, her eyes locked on the flying train. "Now. We need to find that train."

"Well, that was a disaster.", Wild Card said in his seat. "That was awesome!", Rewind exclaimed.

"I'm so exhausted.", Noodles complained.  All of a sudden, the train shook violently.

"Guys...", A Capella said in between singing. "I'm running... out of..."

"Breath!", Wild Card finished. "We get it!"

"What do we do?", Facemaker asked. Noodles help up is slopping arms, "Don't look at me, I'm done."

"We need to find some place to hide.", Wheels typed on his tablet.

"The Heroics are all locked up in some kind of alien ship.", Fast Forward said.

"Not all of them.", Missy said. She looked over at Y/N, Y/N got the idea and nodded.

"You know this how?", Wild Card asked. Missy stood up and walked over to Wheels. She motioned for A Capella and pointed to Wheels tablet that held a map.

"Do you think you could get us over here?", Missy asked. A Capella nodded, making the train shake from side to side. Missy stopped her from nodding so it wouldn't shake the train. Y/N gripped tighter on the pole, making the pole more frosted, her fingers getting frosted with it.

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