🐴chapter 7🐴

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Tw: cutting

As M.s Granada locked the doors everyone sighed.

"This is all you fault you idiot!", Missy shouted at Y/N causing her to get a tad bit angry.

"How is this my fault?", Y/N replied getting the feeling to punch someone (Missy) or something.

"You got us caught! You was the one who told us to get out and save our parents!", Missy shouted while Wildcard stood by her side playing with her hair.

"You better shut the hell up because im not afraid to hit no dog!", Y/N retaliated, anger floating of her.

Everyone stood around Y/N and Missy while they argued,not daring to get involved (apart from wildcard and Noodles).

"Yeah i bet your not afraid to hit no dog u animal abuser.", Missy shouted at Y/N causing Y/N to lunge at Missy.

Noodles tried to wrap his hands around Y/N but she had burnt up alot like lava.
She also nearly calmed down before she even got the chance to hit Missy.

"Take that back, everyone knows hat i would never harm an animal!", Y/N said looking directly into Missy's eyes.

"Yeha aparently they know everything about you! I was with you when ur parents didnt want you, does anyone know that you use to cut yourself really bad because you kept getting bullied!", Missy screamed back.

By this time everyone took Y/N's back apart from Wildcard who stood beside the home wrecker.

"Why would u say that Missy, that's just really harsh, and I knew Y/N Cut herself because i saw the marks on her arms when she was holding Her little sister Guppy,who btw will love her more then your family did! You didn't even stick up for your own "sister". A Capella retaliated while her voice broke.

"She is right Missy everytime i went to cut myself you would always say that you wanted me dead! I prayed every night that you would- for once- try and stop me! But you never did, you would make these rude remarks that hurt me even more than that blade did!", Y/N balling her eyes out while being held by Noodles.

"Well what did you want me to do? Take he blade away from you to see you get hurt even more? Yeha like I would do that!", Missy shouted at the top of her lungs.

Before Y/N had e chance to reply wheels started to speak.

"Yes missy that is kind of the point! That blade would have hurt her more than physicall abuse by kids who thought she was a freak because of her insanely cool powers!"

Y/N was still uncontrollably sobbing in Noodles chest while he was running his hand through her hair.

" Look Wheels no one gives a sugar honey ice tea about Y/N She can die for all we care.", Missy and Wildcared said together while laughing.

All of a sudden, A Capella hit Missy knocking her out. While Facemaker hit Wildcard making him stagger back.

"Look Y/N Everyone here cares about you and would never say anything bad about you. Your now apart of our family, there is no way we would let you get bullied or tell you to kill yourself.", fast forward told you.

"She's right, while your with us no one will hurt you but do you promise not to hurt yourself because if you do we would be very upset if we lost you." Slo-mo said causing Everyone including Y/N to laugh hard at his slow voice.

"What would i do without you guys?",Y/N said causing everyone to murmur idk's.

Before getting out guppy had created a key using Y/N's tears, and they had all hugged the sadness away.

While guppy unlocked the door everyone decided to wait until wildcard and Missy woke up to come along (even though no one wanted them to).
Au: hey guys, i will be editing this as the ending is very crap, but i hope you liked this as I had done this right after my lessons, have a good day or night everyone!! :)

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