⚡Noodles ending⚡

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Third person Pov:

As wildcard and Missy woke up, you suddenly realised that you were still leaning against Noodles chest.

"Well we see your finially up!", Facemaker snapped.

"Well duh, its not like you killed us!", Missy fired back causing A Capella to lunge at her only to be pulled back by facemaker.

"You think you can talk to us like that Missy? This wouldn't have happened if you didn't suddenly become bossy and try and control everyone!" Y/N shouted.

"Oh you can shut up Y/N, your the one who thinks she is everything just because you found out u have more than one power and are freaking sister with a brat!", Wildcard fired back causing Guppy to growl.

All of a sudden, Guppy lunged towards missy and bit her with her shark teeth.

"Dont talk about me like that! I am going to be a better sister than you have ever been to Y/N!", Guppy shouted causing wildcard to flinch and back up.

"Guys, we should probably go and save our parents.",Noodles said causing everyone to nod.

•••••••••••••Time skip•••••••••••••••••
As everyone gathered round the balcony looking over at the triangle box thing, Y/N was trying to figure out a plan before she got interuppted by Ojo.

"Ugh you guys are literally so stupid!"

Everyone looked at her confused about how she could talk.

"Obviously i can talk! I'm not an idiot.", Ojo  shouted  causing everyone to flinch.

Before anyone could get any words out, Ojo had drawn loads of monsters that they had to defeat to get there parents back.

One monster came up to attack Y/N but luckily she got saved by wildcard who pulled her towards his face. Y/N looked up because she thought it was noodles only to find it was Wildcard, she gave him a disgusted then walked away to Noodles.

"Ugh wildcard just pulled me to his chest to save me.",Y/N told noodles as they began to fight the other monsters.

"Well atleast he saved you but what did u do after he pulled you to his chest?", Noodles asked his voice laced with sadness.

"I gave him a disgusted look!", Y/N said, silence overtook them as they fought for there lives but then they had started to laugh really hard.

Once the monsters had been defeated there parents had been released from the triangle box shaped thing.

Y/N and Guppy ran towards there parents hoping for an answer as to why Y/N only just found out she was adopted.

"Hi mum.", Y/N said shyly.

"Hi baby, I'm sorry you only just found out you were apart of out family, the reason behind that is because they took you from me and i regret letting them.", Lavagirl was obviously close to tears.

"Its okay, you didn't have a choice.", Y/N said while hugging her parents and adorable little sister.

The moment was ruined by someone asking for Y/N.

"Hey Y/N, can i talk to you?", Wildcard asked sheepishly.

"Sure.",Y/N replied following wildcard.

Before Y/N could talk Wildcard started rambling.

"I'm so sorry Y/N at Missy's grandmother's house she spiked my drink so I could fall in love with Missy because she was jealouse that u had all the attention!"

Y/N looked at wildcard with a disgusted look on her face.

"You really expect me to believe that? You are an absolute liar wildcard, you hurt me and even if u "were" under a love potion you wouldn't have acted so harsh on me."

Before Wildcard could respond, Y/N had walked away towards Noodles.

"Hey noodles can we talk?", Y/N asked.


"Okay so basically i have a really huge crush on you and i didnt realise until you took my hand on the ship because wildcard and Missy were being rude to me and i really appreciate that bu-", Y/N was cut of by Noodles who had pressed his lips to hers.

There lips moved together perfectly and they favoured that moment until Noodles broke away for a breath.

"I love you Y/N, so much and i would never hate or hurt you."

"I love you to Noodles, does that mean you are my boyfriend now?", Y/N said hope covered her voice.

"Yes it does mean that you are now mine.", Noodles said causing Y/N to blush.

After that everyone was happy, Missy had died during a mission, A Capella and facemaker got together, rewind and fast forward became closer and slo-mo became a fighter like his father. But most importantly, Noodles and Y/N were together and happy.

The End.
A/N: Hey guys so i have finially done the last chapter, i hope you guys enjoyed it sorry that it took so long to get up. I hope you guys are doing okay and your are welcome to read my peter pan x reader book,it so far has 3 chapters but the 4th one will be up tomorow. :)

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