😉Chapter 5😉

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When Y/N and Missy had gone down the tunnel, Wildcard caught Y/N and Noodles caught Missy. You could notice that Missy was giving you a glare.

'Why is she giving me a glare?' Y/N thought while looking at Missy.

"Look guys, we have to get out of here and we need to hurry up.", Missy said causing Y/N to roll her eyes.

While the gang was about to walk down the tunnel guppy said, "it's really dark in here." Y/N grabbed Guppy's hand and was soothing her.
"Ojo, can u give Missy the your tablet so she can use the light?", Y/N said causing Ojo to obey her.

When they had finially made it out of the horrible tunnel, Guppy let go of Y/N's hand and walked to the rock to sit on it.Missy had pulled Wild Card to the side holding his hand causing Y/N to have a feeling in her stomach. 'What is this feeling,is this jealousy?' Y/N thought.

Missy then started to whisper into wild cards ear. "Holy sh-, Wildcard started, doodoo-. Oh interesting, that's good.",

Missy had then finished, kissed wildcards cheek and glared at her sister who looked at her with jealousy.

"Okay then so me and Missy came up with a plan, in one of Ojo's drawings we saw that there was a ship somewhere around here but in about 20 minutes there will be tentacles getting people who try and get in their way. So we are gonna have to be fast." Wildcard says.

"Where is it then?", Y/N asked them both.

"That's what we don't know you idiot, have u not been listening?", Missy shouted at Y/N causing her mouth to part and everyone else's eyes to widen.

"What the heck Missy! I didn't do anything to you.", Y/N shouted at her sister who only glared at her.

"Guys this is no time to argue, we need to find that ship and save our parents!", wild card said causing Y/N to get really mad.

All of a sudden, they heard the sound of an engine about 5 minutes from where they were all standing.

"That must be the ship, let's go!",Y/N said.

You guys had then found the ship and was running to it. Wheels was try to close the doors but he didn't knoe which one.

"GUYS! What button is it?", Missy shouted causing her sister to shout back saying, " We can't leave yet! Slo-mo isnt here!"

Everyone was shouting commands at slo-mo but he wasn't any faster than his original speed. Y/N looked over at the trees and saw tentacles making their way towards the boy.

"Noodles stretch and get slo-mo!", Noodles had done what he was told and collected Slo-mo before he got taken by the alien tentacles.

Wheels then shut the doors and was trying to get one of the buttons to make the ship fly.

The tentacles banged against the glass making Y/N and A Capella hug eachother in fear.
Guppy had enough of Wheels pressing the buttons and then touched the red one which made the ship fly towards the alien ship in the sky.

Out of "fear" Missy grabbed onto wildcard and stuck her head into his neck.

"Are you okay?", Wildcard aksed Missy.

"No I hate heights," Missy faked,just to be in Wild Cards arms.

Y/N had enough with missy's bullshit and went full rage.

"Missy! Drop the freaking act because i know that u have no fear of height. You have literally been rudr to me since we came out from grandma's place! What is your problem?", at this rate Y/N's hair was filled with flames and she had shark teeth.

"What the heck are u on about you phycopath!", Missy shouted at Y/N causing her to lunge at Missy but was stopped by Noodles.

"My problem with you is that you have been all over Wildcard! And yes I did get jealous because i like him and no one can change that!" Y/N raged

Noodles had finially let go of Y/N and she was trying to to restrain herself from hitting her so called sister.

"Its not my fault u never told him, and do u want to knoe the reason why dad never hardly talked to you? It was because your not even his real daughter. Your sister is actually Guppy! No one cares about you Y/N. Everyone just keeps you about because they feel bad for you." Missy screamed at her "sister".

"Guys be quiet, and Missy how could u say that!", A cappella said.

"You know what missy! I am actually glad that guppy is my real sister because all this time u have been such a snobby person and i was to dumb to see it! And u can't really say that no one likes me because A capella just stuck up for me so shut your trap." Y/N shouted her shark teeth slowly dying down.

"Why don't you shut up Y/N because if your parents actually loved you then they would have kept you! But you are such a disappointment!" Missy yelled causing Y/N to lunge at her and smack her.

Missy let out a whimper and Noodles was trying to hold Y/N back from doing anymore damage to Missy.

There was silence after that. Wildcard was still trying to comfort Missy and was currently glaring at you. The doors had finially opened.

"I will check it out", Noodles said and stretched his head out.

"It is all clear.", he shouted before taking Y/N's hand and walking forward.

While Noodles had hold of Y/N's hand, Y/N had picked up guppy and was now holding her on her hip.
A/N:hey guys sorry this took long to post but this is the next chapter. If u liked it then give me some ideas on the next one also in the comments tell me if u want more romance between noodles and Y/N

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