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" Yoongi hyung, come on. You're no fun." Taehyung whines, his fists suspended in the air out of frustration.
" Hyung, it'll be fun."
Jungkook joins Taehyung in persuading Yoongi. Seeing Jungkook side with him, a smile automatically comes on Taehyung's face.

" It's new year's eve today, playing games is a must."
Yoongi still shakes his head as a no. According to  games is an absurd idea. He had never liked it anyways.

Taehyung looks at Jimin with a sullen face , his eyes signaling him to convince Yoongi. Jimin heaves a low sigh, turning towards Yoongi.
" Hyung please. I want to play the games too." His eyes curve to give them an innocent, wide eyed look.
And as we all know Yoongi is a weak man for Jimin.

" Okay." He says in a whisper, obtaining a satisfied smile from Jimin.
" Just say you're a simp and go." Taehyung comments.

Yoongi doesn't pay much attention to it. He takes a seat next to Jimin , draping the quilt over Jimin.
" Jimin needs to rest so we won't play the game for much longer."
He puts it forward like his condition for playing the game. Everyone nods at that, not wanting to cause any more delay.

" Okay, so the game is pretty much simple. I'll ask you a question and you all have to answer it."
Taehyung continues to tell the rules of the game.

" The first question is - Who was your first kiss ?"
Taehyung put forward the rolled up newspaper towards Jimin like it was a mic. The sudden question made Jimin flush.

" Come on minnie. Answer it."
Jimin looks at Yoongi for some reason before finally speaking up.
" It was a boy named Hyunjae. I think it happened during my first year in college."
Jimin remembers the memory vaguely.

The game has started just now but Yoongi isn't enjoying it even a bit. The thought of someone else kissing Jimin isn't sitting right with him. It might not have been a good kiss. Yes , he's sure that Hyun guy doesn't even know how to kiss properly. He didn't deserved to kiss those plump and luscious lips -

" Earth to hyung. What are you even thinking about ?"
Taehyung interrupts Yoongi's thoughts before it could go any further.
" Nothing."
Yoongi feels embarrassed, his pale skin flashes red.

" It's you turn now."
Taehyung looks at Yoongi anticipating his reaction.
" Uh, I think it was a girl named Seo Yeon ?" Before he could continue his answer, Jungkook spoke in between.

" Seo Yeon ? The one that worked under you and had a big fat crush on you ?"
'Big fat crush' these words shouldn't worry Jimin but here he is frowning at even the thought of it.

" Yes, that Seo Yeon. It happened when we were out for some article research. We had to stay at a hotel for the night."
Jimin suddenly slams his hand on the table making Yoongi stop in between. Everybody turns their gaze from Yoongi to Jimin.

" It was a mosquito haha. You can continue." He smiles through the humiliation.
" You spent the night with her ?"
Jungkook's eyes widened at the newly found information. Jimin claps his hand in excitement when Jungkook finally asks the question that was sitting on his mind.

He quickly withdraws his hands back on noticing everyone stare at him.
Yoongi raises his eyebrow at Jimin, not knowing why the younger was behaving so strangely today.

" Nothing like that happened gguk."
Jimin tried to suppress the squeal on hearing that.
" We booked two hotel rooms. She called me after dinner saying that she needed my help with something but when I entered her room she started kissing me out of nowhere. I pushed her back and left the room. But yeah she ruined my first kiss."

Jimin suddenly feels bad for his hyung. Forcing yourself into someone is not a good thing. If it was in his hands he'd like to teach her a good lesson for her doing.

" So that's why she filed for resignation after that ?"
" Guess she was embarrassed to face me." Yoongi laughs remembering the look on Seo Yeon's face as she purposely bumped into him while rushing out of the office building.

" What about you Jungkook ?"
The attention is now focused on Jungkook. He fidgets with his fingers placed on his lap, his head hanging low.
" He hasn't had his first kiss yet."
Yoongi answered from his side. Jungkook feels a bit relieved at that.

" Really? Seeing how good looking you're , people would die to kiss you."
Taehyung shares his view on that, looking dead into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook holds his eye contact very well, their face heating up instantly as if they were conversing with their eyes.

Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other confused. There was something going on here that they were unaware of. And now they're feeling like third wheels.

The game continued like that. Digging each other's secrets seems pretty fun but most of the time Yoongi ends up feeling jealous. He doesn't even know why he feels like that. Was it because someone else was Jimin's first kiss ? Was it because Jimin went on dates with someone else that was not him ? Or was it because someone else was there for Jimin at his worst moments and not him.
Maybe the answer is option (d) all of the above.

Jungkook nudges Taehyung with his elbow , showing him that it was already quarter to twelve. That means it's time to execute their master plan.

" Ah, this game feels so boring now. We should spice it up."
Taehyung relaxes down on the couch, bringing the coke bottle upto his lips. Jungkook is so impressed by every little thing that Taehyung does. He somehow knows how to captivate others.

" We'll play the dare game now."
The empty bottle is placed on the table.
" Whoever it lands on has to do the assigned dare."
He looks into Jungkook's eyes , nodding as he gives it a light spin.

" No backing off."
He says in a strict voice. The bottle slowly starts losing its momentum after a few spins.
Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes are fixed on a bottle as if their lives depend on it.

They let out joyous screams when the bottle finally lands on Yoongi, hugging each other out of the excitement.
Yoongi could feel that they were planning something devilish out of this, he gulps the saliva in nervousness.

Jungkook gave Taehyung a little wink before he started giving him the dare. Taehyung returns the wink with the same enthusiasm. Clearing his throat he looks at his two best friends with an innocent smile. But both of them knew that it wasn't as innocent as it seems.

" Yoongi hyung."
Yoongi almost feels like he tripped off a cliff on hearing his name, the sweat drops accumulating on his forehead."
" I dare you to..." He stops in between to give a sly smirk.
" Kiss Jiminie."

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now