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" Sorry for whatever happened earlier. I should've known this was a bad idea from the start."

Yoongi murmurs once they're out. Jimin gave him a squeeze in the response, their hands still clasped together.

" Huh where are we going ?" 

Instead of going towards the car, Yoongi pulls him away from it. 

" Isn't the night sky great ? Let's take a walk." Jimin smiles at the idea, he likes these kinds of late night walks where the moonlight is their guardian. There's no judging look because he has an alpha by his side, everyone smiles in their direction.

They stroll around the area a bit. Stars light the sky like snow-flakes in the night, yet appear still, like an old photograph. Jimin smiles, feeling the wind blow his hair into a tousled mane. His cheeks had turned into a rosy mess.

Under a sky of perfect midnight velvet, under stars so brilliant Jimin looked even more majestic to Yoongi. His face was covered in the moonlight. The glow on his face could even be compared to the moon. 

The eyes where the galaxies rests, ready to explore out this world, he wants to get lost in them. Those partly apart lips that he wants to capture between his. If only he could.

" Why would you stop hyung ?"

" I was looking at the moon." 

" But you were staring at me ?" 

" Exactly." 

Jimin's heart stopped for a second, their eyes met for way longer than they were supposed to be. The night was chilly, he could feel the cold in his bones, in every part of his body except the hand that was intertwined with Yoongi's.

His tiny fingers resting along Yoongi's broad and slender one that goes back to caress his knuckles. But soon the warmth fades as Yoongi pulls out his hand, Jimin frowns at that. Staring at his hand with a sad pout.

" You should have worn something warmer." His body tingles with a new feeling when Yoongi drapes over his coat to him. He smiles at the newly added warmth, more likely to the alpha's scent that the coat was drenched in. He hides his cold cheeks in it, feeling the blush creep up.

Yoongi pulled his hand back to hold them once again, Jimin's heart was now dancing along his chest. They walked slowly in the busy city. No words were spoken but the look in each other's eyes was enough to tell them what they were feeling.

The sudden smell of hotteoks (sweet pancakes) made Jimin's stomach grumble. He covered his belly in embarrassment. Even though he just had his dinner , he was now suddenly craving of hotteoks just because of this stupid smell.

" You want them ?" 

Yoongi pointed towards the vendor shop that was selling hotteoks, Jimin was too embarrassed to answer so he just nodded in response, not able to resist the cravings.

" Hyung will get it for you then." 

He felt Yoongi pull him towards the shop, his mouth watering at the delicious site.

" You both are such a lovely couple." 

The grandma suddenly says out of nowhere, making them both turn to beet red. 

" Your child will have really great genes." 

Jimin turned sideways to hide how red his face was. But Yoongi decides to reply with a smile towards her.

" Thank you." 

Yoongi bows to her with a big smile. Jimin also thanks her for her gratitude after he finishes with all the blushing.

" Do we really look like a couple ?" 

Jimin asks, munching on the hotteok as they walk back to the car.

Yoongi stares at the sky, looking at the moon and the star nearest to it.

" Maybe." He replies. 

" You remember our friends used to say that too." Yoongi looks at his face, there's a different aura surrounding them.

" That we could be a great couple." 

Jimin huffs, placing his hand into the pockets of coat. 

" Maybe we could've been one if you hadn't left so abruptly back then, without even saying your goodbye." 

There's a hint of sadness in Jimin's voice and Yoongi feels guilty for leaving him all alone at that time.

" I was afraid." 

Yoongi voices out his thoughts for the first time. His voice sounds small and hesitant, very unlike him.

" Afraid ?" 

Jimin stopped walking, turning his body sideways so now he was staring directly at Yoongi.

" Afraid that you'd ask me to stay and I'd do so without any thought." 

" I wasn't brave even to face you at that time , leaving Busan was already hard. I couldn't see you crying too. So, I left without any notice. Sorry." 

Now Jimin felt bad for bringing back old memories, Yoongi looked so guilty and remorseful right now.

" Ah hyung. I was just kidding why you got so serious." 

He poked Yoongi's cheeks just like he used to do when they were younger to cheer Yoongi up.

" Shall we head home? I'm freezing." 

He drapes the coat even closer to his body feeling another wave of cold pass by his face.

" Okay okay. Let's go." 

Yoongi drags him closer by his waist so that he is all stuck by his side now. Jimin didn't hesitate a bit before snuggling more into his side.

His omega purrs from contentment once the pleasing scent soothes him. Yoongi smiles at that, his hand curling even more on the omega's waist.

" I'm free this weekend, you wanna do something ?" 

Yoongi asks once they're settled in the car away from the cold winds.

" Hmm. There's this one thing that I want to do." 

The way his eyes sparkled so brightly made Yoongi a little worried.

" I want to go baby shopping." 

Before Yoongi could even say yes to it Jimin already starts bouncing on the seat, leaving Yoongi with no other option than to agree.

" If that's what you want."

" Is that a yes ?"

" Yes."

" Hyung, you're the best." 

He giggles with happiness, hugging Yoongi, his head resting against Yoongi's racing heart.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now