favorite pass time together

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Preferences - favorite pass time together


- You and Dream enjoy going out on long walks together! When the weather is nice, you two don't waste a second and practically rush out of the house to get fresh air. 


- You and George enjoy binge-watching your favorite Netflix shows together! Especially on a rainy and gloomy day, this shared activity makes the day just fly by! 


- You and Sapnap are the biggest cuddlers in the world. When it comes to finding a way to pass the time, you two turn on some movie you both agreed on and love falling asleep in each other's arms to it. So peaceful.


- You and Skeppy enjoy pulling pranks on Bad! Being with Skeppy means that you've got Bad as a best friend. While Skeppy trolls him on Minecraft, you find other ways to troll him like prank calling him.


- You two enjoy cooking and baking together! (baking muffins obviously) With Rat watching you two, baking muffins with Bad is the funniest thing to do as he's super clumsy. You two make such a mess of the kitchen sometimes with all of the spilled flour. 


- You and Karl enjoy driving around town together and finding new cool things and places to do! Karl is a very adventurous person and enjoys taking you to new places outside of your comfort zone and getting you to try new things! 


- Quackity enjoys taking you out to try new Mexican foods! You've never tried or even heard of many of his favorite traditional dishes and he's always excited to see your reaction. You could hit the man for the amount of times he's laughed at your coughing to hot foods. 


- Fundy enjoys teaching you how to play his keyboard! You've always wanted to learn to play music, but never had the means to do so. He is super supportive and helps you when you find you're struggling. 


- You and Eret love going out and taking strolls in the park together! From the flowers to the birds, you two love being outside on a nice day admiring the beauty of nature. Not to mention, it's nice to touch grass once in awhile.


- You and Wilbur enjoy making little bits of music together! While Wilbur plays his guitar and you play your (instrument), you two like to come up with little melodies that Wil even considers using for a song. 


- You two enjoy spending your time playing by Minecraft with each other! He loves to teach you cool little tricks, troll you with the help of the SleepyBois, and mostly just kill you. He even let you play on his account and let you onto the DreamSMP for a day. 


- You and Schlatt like to pass the time by having intense political discussions and debates! Although it can sometimes get a little heated, it's a chaotic way to pass the time, and not to mention, work on your insults :) 


- You and Tubbo enjoy doing fun challenges together and streaming them! Whether it's a "try not to laugh" challenge or a cooking challenge, it's fun for the both of you and the audience loves watching it! 


- You and Techno enjoy reading your favorite books together. You two like to get into a comfy position next to each other on the couch and read until you fall asleep at night. You two also enjoy killing each other in Skywars, except Technoblade never dies...


- You two enjoy making fun tiktoks together! Much like the one of him dancing to some anime song, you enjoy joining him in making embarrassingly stupid dances that he'll get teased about by the other guys. 

Sorry for the long-awaited update, had a bit of a block :( Hope you enjoyed! ☆

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