dating them would include (1)

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Preferences - dating them would include... (part 1)


- You guys being sarcastically mean to each other all the time.

-Lots of name calling.

-You thought it would be best to keep the relationship secretive because you didn't need any crazy fangirls going after you.

-Him letting you play on his account on the DreamSMP (like Drista does.)

-Drista LOVES you and you two bully Dream together

-His nickname for you is "princess."

-You being his personal cheerleader during MCC.

-Him being super protective over any guy attempting to flirt with you. 


-You being the quiet one in the relationship

-Forcing George to set an alarm on the day of something important on the DreamSMP so he doesn't sleep through it.

- Him always holding your hand, holding your waist, holding you

-You making fun of his accent

- He calls you something cheesy like "darling" because it sounds so nice with his accent♡

-Him always apologizing for screaming too loud

-You two absolutely winning at Jackbox games


-All you two do is cuddle all day every day

-Him always giving you bear hugs from behind

-He calls you names like "mamas" and "babe"

-You guys being playfully mean to each other until he takes it too far and you start fake crying

-You always playing with his hair when you guys lie down

- You guys sleeping in late together

-Late night discord calls

-Him being super protective of you



- Him being super sweet and never making mean jabs at you

-You bullying him as Quackity would

- "You promise you wont leave me for Skeppy?" "You muffinhead!"

-Rat is your guys' pride and joy

-Him building you a little statue on the SMP

- lets be honest he only has one nickname for you

- Bad wanting cuddles every night


- You two are complete polar opposites

-You having to interrupt his stream to tell him to quiet down and stop screaming

- "Promise you won't leave me for Bad?"

- Him pulling annoying pranks on you daily

- He calls you "babe"

- Bad being your best friend and the one you get relationship advice from

-He streams every time you two are together

-Him wanting tons of attention

Thank you guys for reading! 

I decided to make this preference into three different parts so it wasn't super long : P

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