dating them would include (3)

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Preferences - dating them would include (part 3)

A/N: instead of "dating," lets change it to "being best friends with" for Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo :)



- You guys being the absolute meanest people to each other but with love

- Constantly making fun of his muttonchops

- "Schlatt it's either me or the chops"

- You being friends with the rest of the Lunch Club

- Him constantly hitting you with random political and historical fun facts

- You two falling asleep in each other's arms

- Being super comforting whenever you don't feel well


- The most chaotic friendship ever

- You guys met in and attend school together

- You going over to his house all the time only to spend literal hours playing Minecraft

- Him introducing you to Tubbo and all of his streamer friends

- "Tommy there's no way you're 6'3"

- You trying to get him to wear a shirt that isn't his basic red and white shirt

- Fake crying after he makes a bunch of mean jokes about you 


- You two being the most wholesome friends ever

- You two bonding over your love of bees

-Lani being an amazing friend to hang out with

- Him introducing you to Tommy, Fundy and Ranboo

- You guys love baking in the kitchen together!

- He's super caring when you're not feeling well or he sees you act a little off

- You two having horrible sleep schedules so you can stay up late talking to each other


- Absolute power couple

- Everyone being super nice to you because they're scared of Techno

- His whole family loving you

- Him always giving you little forehead kisses

- Height difference ❥

- So awkward at comforting you when you're sad

- You always reassuring him whenever he gets a little insecure


- The nicest boy you've ever met in your life

- Always making sure you're okay, if you need any help, if you ever need anything

- Him introducing you to the internet by having you build his pink chair together for a video 

- All of his friends on the SMP love you

- Honestly just enjoying being in each other's company

- Him making fun of the height difference between you

- You playing with his hair all the time because omg look at it

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