when you're sad

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Preferences - when you're sad


- Whenever you're feeling down, Dream tries his best to distract you from whatever you're feeling sad from by cracking small jokes and giving you lots of hugs. He would wipe away any tears you have and hold your hands firmly if you were shaking or stressed. 


- George gets worried when you're sad about something, and that means he becomes clingy. He will follow you around your shared apartment and follow you around just giving you little kisses on the cheek everywhere you go. 


-When you're not feeling yourself, all you two do is cuddle. He'll bring you over to the couch or bed and sleep beside you while whispering in your ear all the things he loves about you. And if you're really sad, he'll put one of his oversized hoodies on you to make you feel ten times better.


- When Skeppy sees that you're sad, he tries his best to contain his bubbly and energetic personality and instead attempt to become more serious Skeppy. His method to cure your sadness is just couch cuddles and watching him do stupid things around the apartment.

Big Daddy:

- Like always, Bad treats you like a princess whenever you're not feeling happy. Whether it be because you had a long day or because something bad happened, he attempts to talk to you and compliment you until you smile again. He practically cries himself inside when you're sad. 


- When you're sad, Karl gives you tons of hugs and cuddles. He hates seeing you when you're feeling down so he grabs ton of blankets and food and cuddles all of your sadness away. He loves playing with your hair and holding you tight in his arms until you fall asleep uwu.


- Quackity turns into the world's best boyfriend when he sees that you're upset. At first, he really doesn't understand why you're so sad, but that doesn't matter; you're upset and need love and he's all there for you. When you're sad, something you love having him do is say cute things in Spanish for you. 


- When Eret sees that you're sad, he wastes no time in starting Operation Make Y/N Feel Better. First step, find out why you're sad and talk to you about it if you'd like. Step two, reassure you that everything is going to be okay because he loves you so damn much. Final step, give you lots of forehead kisses. 


- Wilbur practically races to find his guitar when he finds out you're sad. You love hearing him sings songs or come up with little melodies as you relax and fall asleep beside him. He'll momentarily stop and give you some small kisses just to see you blush even more. 


- Fundy is a bit of a know-nothing when it comes to comforting people. He tries to understand why you're upset, and when you don't open to him he can get a little frustrated not knowing what to do to help you. The way he found makes you happy is when he tries to bake little cookies for you to cheer you up. He tries his very best.


- To be honest he couldn't care less but seriously, when he sees you're upset he knows exactly what to do: New York Pizza. He'll have you get comfy on the couch while he comes home with some on his favorite pizza for you. You guys watch some funny movie on tv and it really cheers you up.


-Techno is so awkward at comforting you when you're sad. He's not usually one for physical touch, but when he sees that you're upset about something, he'll hug you and rest his head on top of yours. He'll try his best to talk to you and try and make you feel better by making stupid jokes. If all else fails, he'll just have you sleep on his lap as he plays some SkyWars. 

Tommy: (Now GhostInnit) <3

- When Tommy sees your upset, he 100% of the time assumes some stupid man said something to you and he's going to go and beat them up now. But really, he'll sit there with his arm around you, rubbing your back and wiping any tears away that you have. He'll make stupid jokes about Philza dying of old age to try and get you to smile just a little bit.


- When Tubbo sees that you're sad, he knows its time for small cuddles and a movie marathon all night until you fall asleep. You would snuggle up to him in the blankets as he would make you giggle by making little stupid jokes throughout the movie while playing with your hair. 


- Ranboo's heart literally breaks when he finds you upset about something, he loves you and seeing you broken breaks him inside so much. He tries every single method he can to put a smile on your face: food, movies, cuddles, playing Minecraft with you, even gives you a cute little stuffed animal you love.

Sorry for the long awaited update guys! School's been hectic lately and I've just been drowning in homework.

Anyhow, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for another update soon! <3

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