their reaction to pregnancy (1)

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Preferences - their reaction to pregnancy (as your best friend / as your boyfriend)

Requested by @Callie6412 :) 



As your best friend: At first he thinks it's one huge prank, but upon realizing that you're completely serious, he gets super excited for you! He goes on about how if your (S/O) ever left you he would beat the absolute shit out of them.

As your boyfriend: Is in complete shock and becomes super happy once he realizes he gets to now become a dad! He's super happy and supportive about it and literally screams the news at the guys! When he announces it on stream, the internet literally blows up.


As your best friend: He is so insanely happy for you! He goes on and on about how cute the baby is going to be! Immediately starts asking for the baby to be named after him in some way.

As your boyfriend: Half of him is super happy, grateful and excited for this new experience! The other half of him is absolutely terrified of the future. He's super supportive and although he's not the best at comforting you through emotional times, he's always there for you. 


As your best friend: Doesn't believe you at first and thinks it's all one big prank, but once he realizes it's real he goes absolutely bezerk. Sends you a ton of congratulatory gifts! Gives you absolutely insane name ideas.

As your boyfriend: Super excited and happy because he's going to be a dad, scared shitless because he's immature and literally has no clue what to do with a child. Super comforting throughout the entire pregnancy, always giving you TONS of cuddles when needed.


As your best friend: Simply doesn't believe it's true and makes you show him a positive test. Then absolutely freaks out about how he's going to be a horrible uncle because how on earth do you take care of a child.

As your boyfriend: Is super happy and supportive, but scared he'll be a bad dad due to the fact that he can be really immature at times. Starts panicking about baby names.


As your best friend: IS SUPER HAPPY FOR YOU AND INSANELY EXCITED AND IS READY TO BE THE GREATEST UNCLE EVER HES SO CUTE OWO. Gives you tons of muffin-themes name ideas. 

As your boyfriend: Literally cries tears of joy because he's so incredibly happy that this is finally happening. He will admit he's quite scared for the future, he takes cares of you the entire time. "No, we are not naming the baby Muffin."


As your best friend: Just starts laughing super hard because he has no idea how to react to the news. Is incredibly happy for you and literally showers you with gifts and toys and clothes for this kid.

As your boyfriend: Cries his absolute uwu heart out because he's a softie and this is huge. He's so excited and without hesitation starts telling everyone about it! Also, cuddles galore. 


As your best friend: Has literally no idea what to say because he doesn't know if he should be happy for you, or sad that it's not his because he really likes you. Will give you loads of Spanish name ideas.

As your boyfriend: Literally freaks the absolute hell out because you guys are too young and how on earth could this possibly even happen. Once he calms down, you guys tell each other how much you love each other and how you're do this. No, lets never reveal the baby's hair on stream.


As your best friend: "WHAT? SAY AGAIN?" Needs a few drinks after hearing this. Is actually thrilled that he was the first one you told about this! Super reassuring that if you ever need help with anything, he's here for you.

As your boyfriend: Internal panicking, wants you to take a few tests just to be sure. Once you guys are sure this is real, you guys are so excited that something like this is going to happen. Supportive furry energy.

Decided to split this chapter into two parts or it was gonna be super duper long :P Hope you guys enjoyed!  

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