when you're on your period

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Preferences - when you're on your period

Requested by ihave3milioncrushes

Also I hate talking about this topic so please forgive me if this is cringe :\


- Dream is super awkward and has no idea if he should try and hug you or give you space. He'll go out and buy you anything you need, cook you whatever you want, and tries to be your emotional support bear. He gives literally the greatest back rubs for those super rough days. 


- Has no idea what even happens to you during this time and therefore has no ability to feel empathy for you. He listen to you and loves taking naps with you when you're sleepy, but he genuinely has no idea why you get so emotional and tired and in pain. And when you get emotional and annoyed with him, he has to go ask the boys why you're acting this way.


- He's already got some emergency basket for you in his closet filled with candies, pain meds, sanitary products, literally anything you might need during this time. He's all here for you and gives you all the hoodies and snuggles you want. 


- Skeppy has no idea what to do besides bring you snacks and junk food. I swear because of Skeppy you gain an extra 8 lbs because he just feeds you. Of course, he sees that you're in pain and uncomfortable and he always keeps an eye out for you to make sure if you need anything. 

Big Daddy:

- He is so cute asdfghjkl he literally treats you as if you're deathly ill and in the hospital: he doesn't let you do any chores, he makes all the meals, he treats you like an absolute princess because he hates seeing you in pain. And why you get emotional, you already know he's by your side reassuring you. 


- Karl is just the hug giver all week long. Similar to George, he really doesn't know or like talking or listening to anything concerning what happens to you, so he's just by your side all day long, making sure you feel better and giving lots of bear hugs. 


- This boy is constantly stressing when you're on your week. This man goes to the ends of the earth to make you feel better, even when you fall asleep on top of him in a super uncomfortable position, he stays there just because he loves you so much. And looooots of back rubs.


- This man definitely needs a drink before dealing with you during this time. His master plan to getting you feeling better in just warm cuddles under the blanket while watching a movie. He loves spending that time with you, and it does make you feel a million times better. And if you start crying, he's right there with you. 


- You swear this man has secret stashes hidden around the hose filled with the week's necessities. Every time he walks into the room he's got some heat pad, a snack, some stuffed animal for you, or some type of little surprise to make you feel better. Oh, and cuddles ad snuggles and forehead kisses and falling asleep in his arms galore. 


- The way Wilbur knows cheers you up best is when you two lay together and he sings you little songs and goes on and on about what he loves about you. Even when you get annoyed and emotional, he is your perfect medicine.


- As much as he loves making mean jokes, bugging and teasing you, he knows this is the one time a month that he might actually die if he does it. Instead, he just spends the whole week explaining to you that if you let him put a baby in that oven, you wouldn't be in this painful mess you dumb broad. And then he gives you lots of cuddles. 


- This man hates physical affection but he puts that hate aside for this one week a month only. He will give you all the back rubs, tummy rubs, and cuddles you need. He will be lazy and stay lying in bed with you all day if that's what you really need. And when he's playing Minecraft late at night on his computer, he'll have you sit on his lap so that you're comfy. 


- You really think he listened in sex ed class? This man has no idea what a period even is until you explain it to him. He's there for you and tries to make you feel better in every single way possible, even asking help from Philza because he has no idea how to handle a woman on her week. He has virtually no idea why you feel the sudden need to yell at him out of rage.


- Tubbo is the most adorable kiddo he will buy a ton of candy for you, visit you if you're not doing great, even have a little movie night where you two can just relax and your brain can just forget all about this. You already know he's giving you lots and lots and lots of hugs and a little kiss on the cheek. 


- Similar to Tommy, Ranboo my beloved is pretty darn clueless when it comes to this thing. All he knows is that his love is in pain and he has to take care of them, so that's exactly what he does. Cooking you food, rubbing your back, letting you fall asleep with him, he's all here for you and hates seeing you so uncomfortable.

Hope y'all enjoyed! <3 Another chapter coming tomorrow! 

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