you walk in with just a towel on while they're streaming

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Preferences - you walk in while they're streaming (with only a towel on ;) )

Requested by Callie6412


- Literally the epitome of the 😳 emoji. Mutes himself for two minutes on stream just so that he can walk over to you and drool over you.

- "Y/N I'm streaming right now, must you really do this to me?"


- Gets all red and flustered and screams in his usual high-pitched voice "Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

- Proceeds to get teased by the rest of the boys because they know what's about to go down.


- 100% mutes himself so he can wolf whistle at you and make you all red

- "Mamassss what's going on here" winky winky*

- Can't stare for too long or else his face will get red and the facecam will catch it


- He immediately freaks out and blocks off him camera so no one can see you

- "Y/N! Dude! I'm streaming. Yes you look good but not the time!!"

bad go calm down ur man smh


- The second he turns around and sees you he mutes himself so that he can just oggle at you

- "Woah, Y/n put some clothes on oh my goodness."

-Gets insanely red in the face


- You walk in while he's doing his fit check

-He just turns around and stares at you wide eyed, looking you up and down

-A whole 30 seconds goes by before he realizes the stream can also see you and he freaks out


- Has to put his head in his hands because he just gets so smiley and red

-Prepare to get yelled at

- "Guys, guys, there is a person here who wants to get freaky with me do I end the stream? CHAT DO I END STREAM?"


- The second you walk in he attempts to attempts to put his hands in front of the camera to cover you so that no one can see you

- "Everyone y/n is not exactly wearing something appropriate right now so you can't see them."


- "Holy shit Y/n you're half naked. Are you already this horny? I just started streaming :/"

- Doesn't even care that the audience heard all of that


- This man who take another sip of his alcohol and just get up and leave his stream so her can give you lots and lots of kisses

- Then realizes he left the stream hanging and has to go back :(


- You still walked in already knowing he's gonna get mad and scream at you

- "Y/N you dumb broad I'm streaming!" "WHY ARE YOU HALF NAKED THE POPE IS LITERALLY RIGHT HERE!"


- "HEH." Gets insanely red as he just intensely stares at you all flustered, luckily his camera isn't on.

- Mutes himself just to say "Y/n you look good right now but can this wait?" :/

The children: you are fully clothed, nice try :)


- Definitely invites you over to his stream setup so the audience can see you and he gets super excited

- "Oh my God chat look who's here! Y/N come say to hi to the stream!"



- Has to apologize to you afterwards by saying that any disruptions to his stream means he loses primes

- You make him promise that you get to sit in for his next stream


- "Oh chat! Look who's here! My beautiful s/o! Y/n come over here to say hi to everyone!"

- Ranboob is now happy because you pull up a seat next to him and you two answers donations together.

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