who secretly has a crush on you

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Preferences - who secretly has a crush on you


- Sapnap has secretly liked you ever since meeting you. You always thought he and Dream were practically the same guys. When you and Dream announced you were together he was practically dying inside and didn't care if he killed your pets on the SMP.


- Before you and George announced that you were dating, Quackity thought that you had a thing for him as you two were always play flirting, except you weren't serious in the slightest. Shit hit the fan when he called you "mi amor" and George had to call him out.


- Someone who had a little secret crush on you was Punz. Every time Sapnap would kill one of your pets, you'd go to Punz and get him to fight Sapnap. He thought you were so cute when you did that, but no one would ever know what he thought.


- Karl liked you in secret since you two had similar loud, bubbly personalities. Someone else who had the same type of personality too was Skeppy, and he got to you first. Karl always listened to you guys fake flirt with each other, but he assumed it was fake like everyone else.


- You, Bad and Skeppy would always stream together; it didn't take long for Skeppy to develop that absolute biggest crush on you. But you liked Bad, and his ugly rat, because Skeppy just wasn't your type. And Skeppy cried, like the little bitch he is. That's why he got a LOH. :)


- George definitely had quite a crush on you. Every time he would hear you voice in the vc he'd have to check his facecam and make sure he wasn't insanely red in the face. When you and Quackity did announce you were dating, he was sad, but he kept it all inside.


- Oh my lord did Bad have a not so secret crush on you. You were quiet and cute, just like him. Instead of shipping Skephalo, twitch started shipping you and Bad. The only bad news was, you and Karl were yet to announce your relationship. 


- Every time you would be on Eret's stream, Fundy would join the vc just because he was so in love with you and always wanted to talk to you. Unfortunately, when Fundy came forward about liking you, he got hosted yet again. He's still stuck up about you though.


- Techno didn't like showing emotion, which is why when he realized that he secretly liked you, he freaked out and vowed to keep it a deep secret. Not only was he sure that you and Wilbur were together, but would you even like him back? Mans was confused :/


- Eret definitely had a teeny weeny crush on you. He thought you were just such an amazing person. Instead of some formal announcement, Fundy just sort of blurted out that you two were dating. Eret was disappointed, but he understood. Icon.


- Oh Charlie Slimecicle definitely had a secret thing for you, except it was fairly obvious. You and Schlatt were like a power couple, and when you and Charlie streamed, he would always call you cute names that Schlatt wouldn't like. Schlatt even yelled at him for it. 

- *cue scene from Lunch Club LA vlog where Sclatt yells


- Dream definitely likes you in secret, but he'll never tell anyone. He thinks you're so incredibly beautiful and amazing, and it hurts him that you never payed the same attention to him that he payed you. Also, Techno would absolutely end him if news ever got out.


- Oh Ranboo was just smitten with you. He honestly thought to himself "why on earth would they go for someone as loud and immature as Tommy." He didn't quite understand why you two were together, he just didn't see the chemistry, and it tore him up. 


- Tommy had to let down his big man persona when you told him you liked Tubbo. He was heartbroken on the inside as he liked you, but you and Tubbo were so similar that anyone could've seen it coming. 


- Jacques Manifole definitely likes you in secret and it tears his heart up on the inside. You had always thought of him as just a friend, and nothing more, and he knew it. You and Ranboo are like soulmates and it kills him to see it.

♢Hope y'all enjoyed! :)♦

♢Got any request? Send em on over! ♦

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