Carnations (oneshot)

270 7 2

Ship: Beetho

Tw: negative self thoughts
Au: florist!Etho and butcher!Beef
Around 1420 words


The bell on Etho's shop rang. Said man looked up from the petunias to see who entered Sweetpe-E's. He had to admit, it was a lame name for a flower store, but he liked it. Etho's face lit up when he saw his best friend, Beef. Their job places happened to be next to each other so the Canadians often visited. The bearded man was always smiling and liked asking lots of questions to test Etho's flower knowledge. Today was no different.

"Hey, E!"

"Sup, Beefers. Looking for anything?" Beef's eyes flashed an emotion Etho hadn't seen before in the man. As fast as it came, it left. Before Etho could figure out what it was, Beef spoke up.

"Yeah actually, do you sell purple lilacs, sunflowers and striped carnations?" Etho's smile fell, thankfully it was hidden under his mask. He knew what those flowers meant. Lilacs meant a first love, sunflowers are for loyalty and adoration, but it was the carnations that surprised him. The striped ones symbolize regret that a love cannot be shared. Was he going to confess to someone that didn't love him? Who couldn't love Beef?

"We do. If you'll just follow me here," he felt a pain in his chest. Etho wished he asked out the shorter Canadian sooner. Now he had lost his chance, all because he was too shy. The two boys walked around the shop, picking out flowers that actually matched. Once they had a decent bouquet of flowers, Beef paid and left the store. At that time, more customers entered the store and Etho had to help out.

After hours of working and taking care of plants, the white-haired canadian finally closed the small store. He took off his apron and locked up shop. He started to walk to his apartment complex, admiring the scenery as recollections of the day he just had started to fill his mind.

He smiled thinking about the little girl who asked him to help make a flower crown for her. There was also the old man who purchased a daisy for his wife named Daisy. Etho really liked that guy. He always thought about growing old with his friends. Etho really liked his friends. Especially Beef. Beef. What did he buy today? Oh. Right. Love flowers. For someone he loved. Someone that wasn't Etho. He frowned. Of course Beef didn't love him. Why would he? Etho was too pale and too tall and he talked too little and he always wore a dumb mask. No one could love that. Especially not someone as amazing as Beef.

Before he knew it, tears streamed down his porcelain cheeks that soon turned rosey. Roses. Just like the red ones he put with those dumb carnations. Why was he so upset? He knew Beef didn't like him, so why did it hurt so bad to help him? Beef is his friend, he should be happy for him. But he wasn't. How could he be happy if his heart was ripped out and stomped on a million times? He started to walk faster. He became aware of all of the bright street lights around him. Was it always this loud? He didn't have control over his feet that broke into a sprint to get away.

He burst open his apartment door and slammed it behind him. He leaned his back into the wood and slid down. He held his ugly face in his hands and sobbed hard. He had never felt heartbreak before, especially not with someone he had loved since he was a teen. Why did it have to be Beef of all people? After a while, he calmed down enough to stand up. He couldn't stop shaking. Eyes looked at his discarded mask on the floor. He doesn't need it. It just covers up his disgusting scar. No big deal. His feet were like cinder blocks, trudging and dragging to his room. He may as well sleep for the rest of his life. No one would miss him. Beef would tell him he would be missed. Why did the man he relies on for help have to be the reason he needs it?

That would describe how Etho felt. It was a Sunday so his shop was closed. His phone hadn't charged while he slept and it died within a few minutes. No distractions. Great. Peachy in fact! Why would anyone want to be distracted from pain and distress? He already cried all of the tears he could, he just felt numb. It was so pathetic how he was acting. He wasn't sad for himself anymore. He was pissed. It's not his fault! Why should he be upset?

"I'm a wreck," Etho mumbled. He ran out of coffee, so he slipped on some shoes and his mask that had been on the floor. Gross. Why didn't he just pick it up? He reached for his keys and wallet, hesitant to walk outside. He opened the door and was met with a surprise. A vase of flowers. Roses, nice blood coloured chrysanthemums and those damn red carnations. Attached to the vase was a note.

"To: Etho Slab
I know this is weird and you probably don't feel the same way, but I love you. I have been meaning to tell you for so long, but I couldn't do it in person. I decided to use your flower knowledge to assist me. Message me if you would like to talk about this. If you hate me now, I understand.
From: Beef Vintage"

Holy cow. Beef loved him back. He carefully brought in the flowers and went to his room to text Beef... but his phone still wasn't charged. Just his luck. He shook away the negative thoughts, the man had a better idea anyway. Grabbing the cleanest thing he could find, he stripped down and changed into new clothes. He raced to the bathroom and splashed water on his face. And his mask. Oh well, he can go without it for a day. After trying to tame the mess of hair on the top of his head, he ran out the door and down the stairs. It was faster than taking the elevator.

He got out of his apartment complex and started sprinting to the butcher shop. He was gonna tell Beef all about everything. The bearded man always worked on weekends and Etho's apartment is between his house and his work, so it made sense that he would be at the butchery right now. Etho's heart pounded like his feet on the pavement. He couldn't go fast enough.

He slowed down in front of the store and took a few deep breaths to slow his heart. Opening the door an amazing aroma entered his senses. He needed to pick up something for Beef. The florist found what he was looking for and left his shop, then walking next door to the butchery...


Beef looked up from the counter to see who had entered the butcher shop. He was delighted, yet also devastated, to see the face of his best friend, Etho Slab. You see, Beef had just asked out his florist friend using a bouquet he had him make. There was also a nice letter and stuff, but it was mainly made by the person it was made for. He felt useless.

"Hey, E!"

"Sup, Beefers!" Beef realized that Etho didn't have his iconic mask on. Weird. He kind of liked it. Etho was cute. Said man approached the counter and placed down a carnation.

"Did you know that dark red carnations symbolize love and affection and giving them to another person typically means you are in love with them?" Oh my God. Did he seriously just say that? He was such a dweeb. And Beef loved him for that. He took off his bloody apron and stepped away from the counter, so he could wrap Etho in an embrace. They both sighed happily, knowing what was coming next. Beef pulled away slightly so he could look at Etho directly in the eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Beef knew the answer, but asked anyway.

"I've wanted to hear you say that since I first met you." And with that, they closed the distance between them, ready to continue on with their lives as a team.

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