Radio Star (oneshot)

178 5 4

Ship: Pixloy? PixXP? Recap?
Tw: swearing, food, nausea, thoughts of death
Au: Radio Stars
Around 4440 words

Sorry this took so long! I've had this idea since April and I've been writing for what feels like forever. I tried a new writing style, so I'd appreciate it if you let me know what you like, what you don't like (and how to fix it), and overall just your thoughts while you read. Comments always make my day. I hope you enjoy!

Pixl Riffs hummed as he walked down the street, a grin set on his face. He was starting the job of his destiny today. He was officially a radio host. Well, a radio co-host. There was another person he would record with everyday. Pix didn't really pay attention to that, but he did know that the other guy was new to the job as well. He was excited to meet him. Riffs was excited in general. Everything about the day had a new shine that he had only seen when he was a small child. It was going to be great and he knew it.

After a few minutes of walking, he made it. The place that he had been hoping to work at for years. He opened the glass door like a portal to Hell. Not Hell. It wasn't hellish. This was Heaven. Did people open portals to Heaven? Would that make this heaven-ish? Oh wait. Right. Heavenly is a word. Heavenly.

Before he could think anymore, he was greeted by a lovely lady sitting at the front desk. She had long auburn hair that flowed by green eyes. Freckles dotted her nose and went by a couple piercings on her face. His heart pounded in his chest.

"Hello there. Are you Pixl?"

"I sure am! It's nice to finally meet you in person, Lyarrah." She gave a smile.

"You're gonna want to go up the stairs and the first room on the left is where you'll work. Any questions?" He shook his head. With a meek "thanks," Pix walked away. He started to feel a bit uneasy, but he wouldn't let anything get in his way. He was going to be confident. Nothing wrong could happen if he was confident. "Other staircase, Pix."

"Right! Thank you." Maybe not. He cringed at himself. He was sure that what just happened would never leave his mind. It may have been a simple mistake, but it felt especially embarrassing to Pixl. He cursed under his breath and moved to the other set of steps. Each one would make him closer and closer to his destiny. He was so ready for this.




After that, he gave up counting. There were at least twenty more steps, so he figured that he could just pretend that he symbolically counted all of the stairs. He sighed and patted his pockets to check that he had everything. He had his phone, keys, and wallet. His gold rings were on his fingers and he stored the rest of his stuff in his backpack which he checked over five times. He had everything. Nothing could go wrong if he had everything. Pix made a realization and grimaced. Nothing could go wrong if he had everything, but he didn't have everything. His lunch was still sitting in the fridge at home. The lunch that he worked so hard to pack. It was way too late to turn around, so he just wouldn't have lunch today. That was fine. He'd probably be too anxious to eat anyway. Kind of like how anxious he was now. He was very anxious. Why wouldn't he be? After all, he was staring at the door. The door to his destiny. Or something.

It felt as if he was moving in slow motion. Probably because he was building the tension for the moment since the universe wouldn't do it for him. He almost touched the handle, but the door swung open and he was suddenly in front of a short man. He had brown hair and round glasses. His button up shirt was rolled to his elbows and his waistcoat held him tightly.

"Hi?" He had an unexpected accent, but Pix liked it. He really liked it.

"Am I supposed to be here?" He cringed again. Why did he say that? He was obviously supposed to be here. He hoped. Maybe he wasn't?

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