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Chase pants as he leans against the wall, beads of sweat on his forehead, tears in his eyes.

The stench rose from the toilet, Chase nearly gagged again on the food stuck between his stomach and throat.

His head throbbed, his chin wobbled, spit and puke dripping from it disgustingly.

Chase's stomach was grumbling at the force, his knuckles were sore from constantly scraping against his teeth.

His mind was foggy, he just wanted to cry and sleep. It was so late.

Shouldn't have eaten so much candy, fat ass.

Fuck Halloween and all the stupid ass, yummy candy.

Fucking Snicker bars and Twix and Hershey kisses and pumpkin shaped Reece's..

Chase gags again, the remainder of his candy and stomach acid rising. He hunches back over the toilet, trying not to violently sob and cough.

I should've listened to my mama when I was ten when she said no to eat so much candy or I'll get a tummy ache...

This isn't the same.

Same difference...

Chase wiped his mouth with a few squares of toilet paper, it was soft and was soothing, just the soft sheet running across his lips.

He blew his nose, which had stomach acid leaking out of it from the force. It was so gross, he still smelt the puke after blowing his nose.

Chase struggled to get back up on his feet. He felt so hot, he was sweating heavily, but then a moment later he'd feel so cold, shivers were make him thrash on the floor.

It was awful.

Slowly, Chase recollected himself enough to push himself off the floor and to flush the toilet. He wipes the tears from his eyes, his breath shakey.

His legs were weak, his entire body felt weak.

The boy collapsed onto his bed, his face stuffed into a pillow. He lets out soft groan, tears releasing into his pillow.

His room was dark, he could pass out from mental and physical exhaustion.

Chase didn't though. He picks up his phone, reading over the few text her missed from Clyde.

He couldn't believe he was in the bathroom for over 45 minute, shoving fingers down his throat, taking sips of water throughout the purge to let everything out easier.  (No one comment anything promoting bulimia/purging, I'll delete it and even will block you)

Chase just wanted to talk to someone. To hear someone else's voice before he slept. It was late though, he wasn't sure if Clyde was asleep.

Me- ah sorry, I was finishing homework. R u awake still?

Chase sighs in relief when Clyde instantly read the text and replied.

Clyde♡- no worries and no... im sleep texting :/

Me- r u able to call?

Clyde♡- ofc pumpkin

Me- that one isn't too bad... And thank u sm

Clyde's name flashed on Chase's screen, making Chase smile softly. He instantly answered, laying his head down.

"Hi, is everything okay?"

Chase clears his sore throat, replying in a gentle tone. "Yeah, I just wanted to hear someone's voice."

"Aw, that's sweet."

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