Wizard's Chess

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Days passed since Ellie's arrival, and everything seemed to return back to normal. They had spent the past few days planning their break-in at Gringotts, working with Griphook to formulate the perfect execution. Planning was tiresome and mentally-draining, though the quartet knew they had much more to discuss. Hermione took the lead in organizing while the others simply suggested ideas, with the majority of them being rejected.

At just before midnight, the quartet sat about the living room of Shell Cottage, a board of Wizard's Chess placed on the floor before Ellie and Harry. The only thing that illuminated the board was a single candle, its blaze flickering dimly.

Ron sat next to Harry, whispering moves to the boy as Ellie took the lead. Hermione sat just behind Ellie, her legs outstretched so that Ellie sat cross-legged in between them, a blanket draped over the Hufflepuff's legs for warmth.

"Come on, Harry, are you really going to lose to me right now? You've already got Ron helping you," Ellie teased as one of her knights knocked off another one of Harry's pawns off the board.

This next scene contains mature content. If you are not comfortable, please skip ahead to the next chapter.

Hermione rested her chin on Ellie's shoulder, wrapping her arms around Ellie's waist as she watched. The Gryffindor didn't particularly enjoy Wizard's Chess, being that she wasn't good at it, though she'd never bring herself to admit it. Her only reason for watching this dreaded game was because of Ellie; she enjoyed hearing Ellie's voice order around her pieces, and the subtle sounds that resulted when she was stumped. In short, Hermione was bored. Though she could be doing so many other productive things, she'd rather stay with her girlfriend, acknowledging that every moment with her was precious.

Ellie knocked off the last of Harry's bishops, earning a frustrated sigh from the boy. The Hufflepuff held a strong lead, with almost all of her pieces still standing. With just a couple moves, Ellie could easily beat him with any combination.

One of Hermione's hands moved downwards, resting just underneath the blanket that covered Ellie's lap. The boys didn't seem to notice, being too focused on a way to save themselves from losing. Hermione pecked Ellie's neck softly, returning to watch the game as her hand traveled to Ellie's thigh.

Hermione's fingers traced patterns on Ellie's bare thigh, her cold hands making her girlfriend shiver. They traveled further, eventually stopping to grasp the Hufflepuff's inner thigh, causing her to hitch her breath.

"What are you doing, darling?" Ellie muttered in a near-whisper, just loud enough for Hermione to hear.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione countered innocently as she hid her growing smirk behind Ellie's shoulder.

Hermione's fingers moved to the outside of Ellie's shorts, playing with the drawstrings that tied it together. She pulled the bow slowly, being careful that her hand remained hidden underneath the blanket. She moved her hand to the inside of Ellie's shorts, cupping the Hufflepuff's vulva through the fabric gently.

Ellie's breath hitched once more, losing focus on the game. Her heart started to race from Hermione's actions, distracting her from her turn. That distraction caused Ellie to make the wrong move, letting one of her rooks get knocked off by Harry's queen. Harry and Ron cheered, bumping their fists together as they mocked Ellie's decision.

Hermione continued to watch innocently, placing another quick kiss on Ellie's shoulder. The Gryffindor's fingers started to tug at Ellie's panties, feeling the growing wetness.

"Hermione..." Ellie mumbled, her heart now feeling as if it were beating out of her chest.

Hermione didn't say anything, but instead slid Ellie's fabric to the side, exposing her vagina to her cold fingers. She stared to rub the folds, sliding them between her fingers tenderly.

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