Formulating a Plan

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Neville started to lead the quartet into the school by the tunnel in which he came through, using a flashlight to light the way as he ducked his head through various dips in the ceiling. Hermione still held Ellie's hand, lacing their fingers together as the thought of entering the grounds brought back a nostalgic feeling.

"Don't remember this on the Marauder's Map," Ron commented.

"That's because it never existed till now," Neville answered. "The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors."

"How bad is Snape as Headmaster?" Hermione questioned.

"Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you need to watch out for."

"Carrows?" Harry repeated.

"Yeah. Brother and sister. In charge of discipline," Neville responded, pointing to the small wound on his face. "They like punishment, the Carrows."

Ellie let out an angry sigh, seeking revenge to the Carrows for what they did to Neville. Hermione gave her a wary look and quickly pecked her cheek in reassurance.

"They did that to you? Why?" Hermione pondered.

"Today's Dark Arts lessons had us practicing the Cruciatus Curse. On first-years. I refused. Hogwarts has changed."

They continued to walk down the seemingly endless tunnel. With every step closer, Ellie felt a sick feeling in her stomach, her hands growing clammy. She couldn't pinpoint the source, but she assumed it was from the sickening treatment Neville had described.

"You feeling okay, my love?" Hermione mumbled, turning to look at her girlfriend.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Ellie brushed off. "I just... don't have a good feeling about tonight. That's all."

"It's going to be okay. I promise," Hermione reassured with a small smile, squeezing Ellie's hand gently.

The group finally reached the end of the tunnel. Neville had his hand on the handle of what seemed to be the back of another painting. He looked back to the group with a smile.

"Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?"

Neville slowly turned the handle, revealing what stood on the other side.

"Hey, listen up, you lot. Brought you a surprise," Neville told the others.

Ellie peeked her head over Neville's shoulders to find themselves in the Room of Requirement. Multiple hammocks were hung cross the pillars, and a variety of blankets, beddings, belongings, and other items were strewn across the floor.

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope. Be a surprise if we can digest it," Seamus responded.

Neville moved aside so that Harry could step into the light, revealing himself to the students. An immediate round of applause erupted from the students as they stood up to greet him.

Harry began to greet the students while Ron, Ellie, and Hermione smiled widely. A few students had even came up to Ellie, giving her a hug of welcome. Luna had given Ellie a tight hug, rambling about how she's missed her presence.

"Okay, let's not kill him before You-Know-Who," Neville told the  others, freeing him from their grasps.

The room settled as the quartet and Neville took the spotlight.

"What's the plan, Harry?" Neville asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

The students looked at the boy expectantly, their faces full of hope. Ellie, Ron, and Hermione shifted awkwardly, knowing all too well the didn't have one.

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