Epilogue: Part 1

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"Good morning, my love," Hermione greeted with a smile as she bent down slightly to peck Ellie's lips. "Are you ready?"

Hermione adjusted her bag on her shoulder as she moved behind Ellie, grasping both of the handles of the wheelchair.

"I'm never been more ready," Ellie grinned as she was transported out of her room and down the halls of St Mungo's.

For the past six months, the dreary hospital served as a haunting reminder of Ellie's fate. Paralyzed from the waist down, her Healer had ordered that she stay in the hospital for a speedier recovery. Though the news was tough to swallow at first, Ellie and her loved ones determined it would be best for her health.

During Ellie's time there, Hermione came to visit every day, Amelia visiting on the weekends. Often times, Hermione fell asleep in the plastic chair by Ellie's bed, her book open on her thighs as she read to her girlfriend. Ellie's mother always brought homemade vanilla cookies, spelled with a warming charm to preserve its heat. Ellie's friends came to visit often, though they never stayed too long. Draco only ever came to visit once, as he felt uncomfortable with Hermione's constant presence.

The two entered the reception area, and they were immediately greeted by a chirpy receptionist. She leaned over her desk to take a look at Ellie, the beaded strap of her glasses swinging wildly.

"Ellie, dear! You're finally going home!" the receptionist beamed as she clasped her hands together in excitement.

"That's right. It's quite thrilling," Ellie answered, looking up at the magical quill scratching the parchment.

"Oh, yes, I can imagine," the receptionist commented as she ripped the parchment from her notepad and handed it to Ellie. "These are the Healer's orders for when you get home. She should be right out to talk to you."

"Sounds lovely. Thank you, Madam," Hermione smiled as she brought her girlfriend away from the desk.

They were quickly met by Ellie's Healer, her lime green robes catching their eyes immediately.

"Hermione. Ellie," she nodded as she clutched her clipboard to her chest. "Are you excited to go home? I assume you've already gotten my orders."

"Yes, I've got them," Ellie confirmed, holding the parchment up for her to see. "And yes, I'm more than thankful to finally be with my friends. And my mom of course."

"Good, good," the Healer nodded as she crouched at Ellie's height. "You've made tremendous progress these past months. You're very lucky to be a witch or else there'd be no chance of your recovery."

"So how long until she walks again?" Hermione questioned eagerly.

"Give it another six months, and she'll be out of that wheelchair. A year after that, she'll walk like normal. Maybe in few more years, she can play Quidditch again. But for now, just keep taking a few steps at a time," she answered.

"You hear that, darling?" Hermione smiled as she bent over to kiss Ellie's cheek. "You'll be back on your feet soon."

"Ellie, it's been a pleasure to have you as a patient. You're incredibly lucky to have a good support system. Not a lot of patients recover because they've lost hope," the Healer smiled warmly. "Anyways, I'll let you two get going. Take it easy out there."

"Thank you," Ellie nodded as Hermione wheeled her out the door of building.

"Ready, darling?" Hermione asked as she gripped the handles of the wheelchair, kissing the top of Ellie's hair lovingly.

Ellie nodded her head as she gripped her seat in preparation. Within a split second, a quiet crack erupted, Hermione Disapparating them from the hospital.

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