Big Heart

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Hermione took Ellie back to Shell Cottage, her arm supporting the incredibly weak Hufflepuff. Faces of utter shock met the two as they stepped foot inside. Bill, Fleur, and Harry looked to Ellie with wide eyes, while Ron nodded to her with Luna giving an encouraging smile.

"Ellie? W-What happened? How are you here?" Harry questioned in a frantic voice as he stepped closer to Ellie.

Hermione immediately stepped in front of her girlfriend, shielding her from Harry's persistent questions.

"Harry, she's hurt," Hermione defended quickly. "Let me go get her situated, and she'll explain when she feels all better."

Harry was quick to back away, knowing all too well of the tone of Hermione's voice. It was the first time he heard her speak in weeks, and one of the few times he'd seen her since their escape from the manor. Hermione's voice seemed lighter now that Ellie had returned to her, which was much different than the cries Harry had heard coming from the room beside him.

Fleur spoke up from where she stood, her husband standing closely next to her.

"Bathroom's just down the hall," Fleur told Ellie as she pointed towards the door a few meters away.

"Thank you," Ellie croaked gratefully, sending an appreciative smile to Bill and Fleur.

Hermione was quick to guide Ellie to the bathroom, taking slow steps as the wood creaked beneath their feet. They felt the eyes of the others on their backs as they made their way to the door, closing it behind them upon entry.

"Get in the tub, darling. I'll get some fresh clothes for you," Hermione instructed gently, guiding her girlfriend near it.

The Gryffindor kissed Ellie's forehead quickly before slipping out the door, leaving Ellie inside the bathroom. Hermione quickly returned, carrying a few articles of clothing in her hand.

Hermione's face dropped slightly at the sight she returned to. Ellie was in the same spot as she left her, her hands resting on the edge of the tub weakly. Ellie turned her head to face her girlfriend, a pained expression plastered on her face.

"I'm sorry, love," Ellie apologized. "It hurts too much to bring my leg over. Or do anything really."

Hermione rushed to her girlfriend, cupping Ellie's cheeks.

"Oh, darling... It's okay. I'm here. Let me help you."

Hermione started to remove Ellie's tattered clothes slowly, taking extra care in avoiding her wounds. She threw the black clothing to the side in disgust, frowning at the style the Malfoy's had given her.

Hermione took a step back, taking in the sight of the fully exposed Hufflepuff, gasping at the horrific sight.

On every inch of the Hufflepuff's body were all kinds of wounds. Deep gashes ran along the entirety of Ellie's body, snaking from her ankles up to her shoulders. Some were deep enough to show the bone, while the rest portrayed just the flesh. Signs of infection were prominent from the lack of sanitary conditions Ellie had undergone. The once smooth skin was now peppered with a multitude of burns, some appearing to be from rope and some from a scorching blaze. The word, Traitor, was etched repeatedly into Ellie's arms, covering every space of the limbs, from the shoulders to the deltoids. Ellie's right leg was bent, seeming to have been broken only recently. A large amount of bruising took up the left side of torso, indicating a couple of fractured ribs.

Hermione neared Ellie once more, inspecting the wounds closely. Her eyes were brimming with tears, though she held them back, turning away from Ellie's view.

"I look hideous, don't I?" Ellie asked, watching as Hermione's eyes scanned her body.

"No, not at all. You look as beautiful as ever," Hermione commented softly, earning a scoff of disbelief from Ellie.

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