Breaking Into Gringotts

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It was May 1st, 1998.

After a month of strenuous planning, the quartet finally formulated the perfect plan to break into Gringotts. Hermione was to be disguised as Bellatrix, much to Ellie's dismay. Ron was to transfigure his facial features while Harry, Ellie, and Griphook were to hide underneath Harry's Invisibility Cloak.

Hermione held a single strand of hair up to the light, showcasing it for Harry, Ron, and Ellie to see.

"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron questioned.

"Positive," Hermione confirmed softly.

Hermione dropped the hair into the bottle of Polyjuice, swishing it about until it bubbled.

"Alright, then. I'll help Ron with his transfigurations," Harry offered, pulling the red-head out of the room with him.

It was quiet for a moment as Ellie stared at the potion with a menacing look, knowing her girlfriend was to turn into the woman she hated most.

"I'm truly sorry, my love," Hermione apologized, watching as Ellie gritted her teeth. "But it's the only way we'll get in."

Ellie sighed, shaking her head to dismiss Hermione's apology. The mere thought of Bellatrix brought an uneasy feeling to the Hufflepuff's stomach. Surely, the woman's treatment to the girl would be enough to traumatize her, and seeing her again would only raise Ellie's anger.

"It'll still be me, okay?" Hermione reassured, bringing her free hand to cup Ellie's cheek, stepping closer to her girlfriend. "I'll still be your girlfriend underneath the potion."

"I know," Ellie murmured as she placed her hands on Hermione's waist.

"Come here, darling," Hermione cooed as she pressed her lips against Ellie's, savoring the kiss slowly.

"Time's ticking, love," Ellie muttered as she broke away from the kiss, resting their foreheads together.

"I'm going to take it now," Hermione warned as she popped off the cork from the bottle. "Just... keep your emotions together. We can't afford you attacking me."

"You know I won't hurt you," Ellie reasoned.

"But you'll hurt Bellatrix," Hermione countered with a knowing look.

"Okay," Ellie finalized in a more confident tone, exhaling a deep breath she seemed to be holding. "I'm going to step out while you take it, see how Harry and Ron are doing."

Hermione gave a small smile to her girlfriend, pecking her lips once more.

"I love you, Ellie," Hermione announced as her thumb stroked her girlfriend's cheek.

"I love you more, darling," Ellie smiled warmly, attempting to forget about potion in Hermione's hand.

Ellie gave one last look before exiting the room, shutting the door behind her softly.

She made her way outside, finding the boys standing atop a small hill, where Dobby's body was buried. As Ellie neared them, she found Ron's facial features completely transformed, wearing all black clothing. He had unruly hair and a dark beard that covered a majority of his face.

"Hey, Ellie," Ron smiled, waving his arm around excitedly. "It's me, Ron!"

"Yeah, I figured. You're still a ginger," Ellie joked, earning a small chuckle from Harry.

A few more moments passed as they awaited Hermione's arrival, and soon enough, she came. She shuffled up the hill with Griphook, wobbling in Bellatrix's heels. Ellie clenched her fists, but immediately released them after realizing it was only a facade.

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