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It was July 27, 1997.

Since the end of Hermione and Ellie's sixth year, the lovers pledged to be more open and understanding of one another, in hopes that their relationship would prosper. Though their jealously could get the best of them at times, they knew they had eyes for only each other.

With the upcoming quest ahead of them, Ellie had avoided telling her mother, much to Hermione's dismay, who believed that she deserved to know. They had mulled over their plans to find the Horcruxes with Harry and Ron briefly, using every moment they had to discuss it. The overwhelming stress of the journey began building as Hermione and Ellie pondered if they would be able to spend some alone time with each other during the journey.

In the meantime, Ellie spent most of her time at the Burrow, often catching up with the twins. To Ellie's amusement, Fred and George teased Ron the most, knowing of his crush on Hermione. She planned to let him know eventually, though she never found the right moment.


"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Ellie asked as she stood on the doorstep of the Granger's residence, with Hermione standing in front of her.

"I'm sure. I need to this on my own," Hermione sighed stressfully. "Go see your mother now. It's getting dark, my love."

Ellie watched as her girlfriend stood before her, knowing her heart was breaking. Surely, obliviating your parents couldn't have been easy. Ellie knew Hermione was struggling to stay strong, her eyes showing clear anguish. Ellie stepped forward and brought her hand to cup Hermione's cheek, giving a supportive look as she rubbed her jaw with her thumb.

"Meet me at Harry's when you're done. Everyone will be there," Ellie said as she gazed into her honey brown eyes.

"I love you, Hermione," Ellie said softly.

"I love you too, darling," Hermione smiled, her eyes forming slight crinkles at the edges.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Ellie's waist as she brought her girlfriend in for a passionate kiss, latching her lips around the Hufflepuff's. She kissed eagerly, trying to get her mind off the deed she had to do. After a few moments, Hermione broke away, now in a more prepared state than before.

"I'm ready," Hermione exhaled, seeming to have let out a load of stress from her shoulders.

Ellie smiled widely and gave a nod as Hermione slowly turned the handle of her front door. A waft of brewing tea flooded their noses, bringing a comfortingly familiar smell to Hermione, making it all the more harder.

"Go on, my love," Ellie encouraged, giving a smile of reassurance. Hermione looked to her girlfriend as she stepped inside her home. She closed the door slowly, her eyebrows turning upwards, showing a slight hint of sadness.

Within moments, Ellie had apparated to her own home, just outside the the cozy residence. She withdrew her wand as she opened the front door quietly. Ellie picked up her bag from the hallway that she had packed beforehand, slinging it over her shoulder. Her mother, Amelia, faced away from the door, standing in the kitchen.

Ellie raised her wand at her mother, preparing herself to incite the spell. Ellie took a deep breath, taking in her surroundings to what she expected to be the last time. Suddenly, her mother whirled around, her wand pointing at her daughter.

"Expelliarmus!" Amelia incited, flicking her daughter's wand from her hand, sending it flying across the room to land on the couch.

"Mom! What the hell was that?" Ellie squealed, clearly surprised from her mother's action.

Amelia stormed towards her daughter, pointing her wand at the girl. A blaze of liveliness burned in her eyes, something Ellie had never seen before. Perhaps it was the rush of magic, or the fact her daughter had just tried to wipe her memories.

"Young lady, do not cuss in this household," Amelia said sternly. "And to be absolutely clear, you are not to obliviate your mother. Who do you think you are, pointing around your wand like that?

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! But how did you even know I was behind you, let alone what I was doing?" Ellie exclaimed.

"I saw your reflection through the window," Amelia said simply, walking across the room to pick up Ellie's discarded wand. She ran her fingers down the simple stick, composed of dragon heartstring and blackthorn wood.

"Mom, you don't understand. I have to go. I have to help my friends," Ellie pleaded worriedly, glancing at the clock that hung on their wall.

"I know what you're up to. Not many has succeeded in your search," Amelia said in a calmer tone. She had a knowing voice, as if she witnessed it all too well.

"How do you know what I'm doing?"

"A friend of mine... Anyway, you could have told me first before trying to take my bloody memories away."

Ellie sighed, shaking her head in regret. "I'm sorry, Mom. But I need to go now. Time is short."

There was a moment of silence as Ellie's mother contemplated her next move. Amelia glanced at the golden ring sitting on her daughter's finger, her expression changing. She hesitated before speaking up to her daughter again.

"Keep that on, you understand? Under no circumstance will you take that off."

Ellie nodded hastily, tuning out her mother's words as she thought about her friends awaiting her arrival.

"Be careful who you trust. Even the closest of friends can turn their back on you," Amelia warned. "You be safe out there, okay?"

"Yes, Mom. I'll try and owl you when I can," Ellie reassured.

"No, that's too dangerous. It can be intercepted by the Ministry, or worse: Death Eaters. It's better you come back to me alive than having to hear you're in danger" Amelia sighed worriedly, bringing her daughter in for a tight hug. "I love you, dear."

"I love you too, Mom," Ellie replied as she wrapped her arms around her mother, embracing her just as tightly.

Amelia placed Ellie's wand back in her hands, giving a wary look as she nodded her head for her to go.

Ellie made her way to the door, opening it once more. She stepped outside, feeling the cool summer breeze hit her skin. The sky was beginning to grow darker, the sun seeming to have set quicker than normal. Ellie mouthed "Thank you" to her mother one last time before securing her bag on her shoulders. She prepared herself for the trip, apparating to 4 Privet Drive.

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