Epilogue: Part 2

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In the early months of 2006, Ellie was drafted to the Holyhead Harpies with the help of a favorable recommendation by Ginny. Though some would argue that Ellie only began playing because of her connections with the red-head, the majority supported her unique skills. Cousin of Harry Potter and a brave survivor of the Battle of Hogwarts, the team soon gained an abundance of popularity. Having already learned her lesson, Ellie knew better than to submit to the fame and instead happily gave all of her attention to her fiancé.

It had taken Ellie four years to fully recover from her paralysis, adding another year to completely regain and improve her Quidditch abilities. Hermione was there every step of the way, watching happily as her fiancé grew stronger and more confident.


Ellie was dressed in her Quidditch robes, the dark green fabric with golden embellishments complimenting her skin nicely. As she walked into the nursery, her eyes immediately rested on Hermione, who stared at herself admirably through the mirror. Ellie approached her from behind as she placed a kiss on her cheek.

Both of Ellie's hands rested on Hermione's relatively large baby bump, her thumbs rubbing it over gently.

"How are my darlings?" Ellie cooed as she looked at Hermione in the mirror, cradling the bump lovingly.

"Are you talking about them? Or me?" Hermione giggled as she rested her palms over Ellie's.

"Let's talk about you first," Ellie answered. "How are you feeling, my love?"

"I feel great. More excited than tired, really," Hermione grinned widely.

"Are you sure? I mean, you've got a whole month until they're due. Besides, you look like you're aching. How's your back holding up? Want me to give a quick massage before I leave?" Ellie asked worriedly.

"Ellie... I'm okay, I promise," Hermione reassured. "My back should be the least of our worries. We should be more worried about the two red-heads that'll be running around our house pretty soon."

"Right," Ellie laughed lightly. "If they're anything like him, we won't ever get a break when they grow up. We'll wake up with green hair every Tuesday night."

Hermione giggled as she turned around to face Ellie, her bump putting a small distance between them.

"Well, we knew what we were signing up for when we asked George to be our donor," Hermione laughed, feeling a gentle kick on her stomach.

Ellie smiled warmly as she crouched down to Hermione's bump. She kissed it lightly, resting her hands on either side gently. Her eyes flickered to the burn her father's ring had left her, remembering what had happened many years ago before returning her attention to the bump.

"How are my boys?" Ellie greeted, the corners of her mouth pulled upwards into a wide beam.

"Love... the Healer wrote to me last night," Hermione started as Ellie raised an eyebrow in confusion. "She said she read the results wrong the first time. And... one of them's a girl."

Ellie looked up with a twinkling gaze, her smile growing even wider.

"We're having a girl? Are we really?" Ellie murmured softly, her voice high-pitched with happiness.

"Yes, darling. Only thing is, we need to choose names. We only have a month left," Hermione suggested.

"Well, I've been thinking..." Ellie started as she rose to her feet, reaching around Hermione to grab a pen and piece of parchment. She ripped it in half, handing the other piece to Hermione. Ellie scribbled a few name suggestions down before handing the pen over. Hermione did the same as she set the pen down, connecting the two pieces of parchment once more.

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