O Children

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The morning after last night's events consisted of silence, the howling wind setting a chilling atmosphere. Once again, Harry deemed it was safest to keep moving, much to Hermione's dismay who wanted to stay in case Ron came back. While Harry and Ellie finished packing up, Hermione excused herself quietly, ducking underneath the tent's fabric.

After a few minutes, Ellie emerged from the tent to pursue her girlfriend, who was standing at the edge of the waterfront. The Hufflepuff made her way to stand next to the Gryffindor, Hermione not acknowledging her presence.

"It was my fault," Ellie said softly, her attention focused on the rippling waves on the water before her. Hermione didn't turn her head to look at her girlfriend as she continued to stare at the water.

"I should've stayed quiet. Maybe he wouldn't have left," Ellie continued in a solemn voice. "I was being rude. Simply because I was jealous."

"I thought we talked about this. The whole jealousy thing," Hermione stated bluntly. Though she hadn't intended for it to be cold, the tone of her voice made it sound abrupt, Ellie flinching slightly.

"We did, love. But seeing the way he looks at you... it doesn't right with me. He's in love with you, Hermione. And I can't do anything about it."

"You already did," Hermione muttered as she shook her head.

"Darling... I didn't mean it like that. It was the spur of the moment. I wasn't thinking straight. I just wanted him to stop looking at you the way I do."

"You know I don't fancy him," Hermione spoke quietly.

"I know, Hermione, I know. I'm just afraid," the Hufflepuff admitted. "Afraid that I'm not good enough. I'm afraid I'll lose you. Besides, Ron is your best friend. He's stuck around a lot longer than I have. I don't know how long he's loved you."

"So you think I'd leave you?" Hermione asked, her voice sounding hurt.

"No, of course not. I know you'd never. But I can't help but think that Ron might be better for you," Ellie admitted in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry, love. I know I crossed the line this time. I shouldn't have acted the way I did last night. But I don't want us to fight... especially now, at a time like this."

Hermione took a shaky breath as she took hold of Ellie's hand, interlacing their fingers together. Her eyebrows were upturned in deep thought, though Ellie had expected them to be furrowed in anger.

"Are you mad at me?" Ellie squeaked hopefully, her eyes searching for Hermione's.

A long pause filled the silence as Hermione took a deep breath.

"No, I'm not mad. He would've left anyways, with or without you telling him. It was the locket he was wearing, not you. Don't beat yourself up over it," Hermione said in a comforting tone, turning her head to face the Hufflepuff.

"I just feel guilty..." Ellie trailed. "I just wish-"

"Stop that. Don't do that to yourself," Hermione interrupted, making Ellie turn her head in her direction so that they were now face-to-face. "I know it's hard right now, my love. I'm not going to get mad at you for something I can't understand. I can't have you leave me too."

A small smile crept upon Ellie's face, one that hadn't made much of an appearance in months.

"Thank you," she whispered, the natural rosiness returning to her cheeks.

Hermione brought her arm to wrap around Ellie's waist as she rested her head on her shoulder.

"No, thank you for being honest. I appreciate that," Hermione countered gently. "I really do love you, darling."

Ellie's lips curled into a wider smile, her heart giddy from Hermione's response.

"I love you more, Granger. More than you'll ever know," Ellie replied, earning a deep blush from her girlfriend.

Harry's distant voice called out from behind them.

"Ellie! Hermione! Let's get going."

The girls let out a sigh in perfect unison. Ellie placed a loving kiss on Hermione's forehead before leading them both back to the tent.

Hermione excused herself once more to remove an article of clothing from her bag. Harry and Ellie watched intently as she made her way to a nearby tree, tying the sleeves around it as a marker for Ron. Hermione made her way back to the two, taking her place to stand in the middle of Harry and Ellie. Ellie gave a nod to Harry, who in turn, took her hand and apparated them atop the edge of a mountain's cliff.

The silence was deafening, with Harry placing protective enchantments around the tent. The sky darkened quickly, though it seemed to the trio to only last a few hours.

Hermione sat at the wooden platform of the tent, Harry sat at a lone chair, and Ellie sat at the table. The radio played a soft tune from the small table next to Harry.

Harry suddenly stood up, walking over to where Hermione was sitting. He looked to Ellie for approval as he extended his arm to Hermione. The Hufflepuff nodded in response, sending a small smile to the boy.

Hermione looked up at Harry standing over her, his hand silently asking for a dance to the song playing on the radio. Ellie flicked her wand at the radio, raising its volume silently, the song "O Children" by Nick Cave playing loud enough for everyone to hear.

Hermione took Harry's hand as she stood to her feet. Harry gently removed the locket from her neck, tossing it beside him. He took both of Hermione's hands and started to sway them to the music's tempo. A small smile started to form on Hermione's face, making Ellie grin with joy. The sight of her girlfriend's smile was enough to lift the Hufflepuff's spirits.

For the duration of the song, Harry and Hermione danced away, throwing in the occasional spins and flourishes. All three of them were now smiling, a flood of happiness returning to their sullen cheeks. It seemed as if the world's problems disappeared for those few minutes, the thought of their responsibilities escaping their minds. As the song came to a close, their smiles disappeared, returning them back to their harsh reality.

They broke apart as quickly as they rejoiced, with Hermione returning back to her spot. Harry let out a sigh, his grave features taking form once more. Ellie simply stared at the empty space where they danced, hoping that she would be able to see her girlfriend smile like that again.

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