Endless Embraces

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Hermione and Ellie broke apart after what seemed like eternity. With their arms still snaked around each other, the lovers sighed as they rest their foreheads against each other. Ellie glanced towards the Great Hall, then back to to her girlfriend.

"I can't look at him," Ellie sniffled.

Hermione cupped Ellie's cheek, stroking away the tears that had stained them.

"We don't have to right now," Hermione cooed as she gazed into her girlfriend's eyes.

Ellie's eyes flickered back to the grieving family, making eye contact with Ron. Though their eyes shared the same sadness, Ellie tilted her head as indication for the boy to come forward. Ron walked rather quickly, diverting his eyes away from the deceased laying on the floor.

Ellie let go of Hermione gently, moving aside as she awaited for Ron. She outstretched her arms for him, and he embraced her tightly, clapping down on her back.

"I'm so sorry," Ellie croaked, and she felt Ron nod into her shoulder.

Though their bodies shook with an urge to cry, it seemed that they both ran out of tears. Ellie peered over Ron as she met her girlfriend's gaze. Hermione gave a small smile of reassurance as she watched the two break away.

Hermione took Ellie's hand, lacing them together as she began to walk. Ron stood still, unsure of whether to follow or stay behind.

"Come, Ron," Ellie invited, turning back to the red-head.

Ron nodded appreciatively, following the girls as they walked through the broken school, stepping over large pieces of rubble. They eventually stopped at an isolated area and sat at the bottom of the steps.

Ellie rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, their hands resting on each other's knees. Ron sat quietly as he took in the school's damage, not seeming to mind the lovers' close proximity.

After a few moments, they heard footsteps approach from behind them. The trio immediately turned around to find Harry as he descended the stairs.

"Where've you been?" Hermione asked.

"We thought you went to the forest," Ron added in hushed voice.

"I'm going there now," Harry answered flatly as he pushed past his friends.

"No, Harry. We've already lost so much," Ellie pleaded.

"Are you mad? No," Ron protested. "You can't give yourself up to him."

Harry stopped in his tracks, his back turned away from them.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione questioned. "What is it you know?"

Harry turned around, his expression both pained and scarred.

"There's a reason I can hear them... the Horcruxes," Harry gulped, his breath wavering. "I think I've known for a while. And I think you have too."

Hermione's eyebrows turned upwards as tears started to escape her eyes. Ellie gasped softly, knowing all too well what needed to be done.

"I'll go with you," Hermione insisted, stepping forward.

"No, kill the snake," Harry ordered. "Kill the snake and then it's just him."

Hermione immediately approached Harry, throwing her arms over his shoulders as she embraced him.

Harry looked at Ellie and Ron over Hermione's shoulder with a sullen look.

Ellie hastily took off her ring as Hermione finally broke away, approaching her cousin. She held it out for him, but he didn't budge.

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