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after a week full of swimming and having fun with one hit (RKS) they are finally back in their normal lives... today they have a deadly mission... they call it deadly because the last time the others did a mission like this two of the members almost died

"seryoso ba to?... kakabalik lang naten ahh" Ara was sulking

"inaantok pa nga ako ehh" Sherylyn said while placing some amo in her gun

Jm sighed "sino ba naman ang hindi aantukin" she then looked at Alexa and Kelly


its three am and its the day their leaving Boracay because there is something urgent in the hedquarters


everyone instatntly woke up when they heard someone yell

all of them met in the living room still sleepy until they heard a shatter in the kitchen

Jm instantly ran to the kitchen "who the he-" she stopped when she saw Alexa and Kelly

the others were behind Jm looking at the two of themn with their eyebrows furrowed

"bakit kayo gising?" Sherylyn asked looking at them weirdly

"at bakit ang daming pasta at pasta sauce sa sahig?" Vienna asked

"sya kase" Alexa and Kelly stated at the same time and pointed at each other at the same time

Ysol smirked and looked at Kelly and Ara straight to their eyes "oh really?"

The three of them stared at each other for a couple of minutes

the two are looking at Ysol nervousely while Ysol was just looking at the both of them with a sweet smile plastered on her face

Vienna noticed that Alexa was slowly looking away at Ysol's eyes "eyes up Lex"

Kelly sighed "fine... lumabas ako kanina sa room namin kasi nga di ako nag dinner kanina and i took the pasta that Sherylyn has left for me to eat... then dumating si Alexa and hinila nya yung pasta"

"ang dami naman kasi... she couldve just shared some" Alexa said in her defense

Jm, Ara and Vienna just shook their heads

"Lex ikaw ang pinaka madaming nakain satin kanina... i dont even know how you stay so thin" Sherylyn said stopping here laugh

Alexa made a pouty face "but im shtill hungryyyyy"

"magluluto na lang ulit ako" Ysol said then walked to the stove


Alexa pouted "ano ba, nagutom ako ehh"

"Lets go girls... pag nagkamali tayo iaalay natin yang dalawang yan" Jm said then went to their van with her laptop

"YAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Kelly and Alexa yelled at the same time then followed her

the others just laughed then followed them

on the way to their mission site they discussed their plan and also told Ysol and Yna the type of persons their going against at

they reached their destination and half of them were nervous while the other half was just calm and ready

"its all or nothing" Kelly said then breath in

Ysol and Vienna went out to distract the guards so that the others can get in safely

Mafia Family (finished)Where stories live. Discover now