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*3rd PERSON POV* (4years ago)

Today was a normal day in the Kim's Mansion ... Aaron was bonding with his new step sister Princess in the garden, Mr Kim and Kyla is on their office working and Vince is on his room using his laptop

Everything seems normal not until Vince started to run towards his dad's office, and since his dad and step mom have different office rooms its easy for him to yell

"Appa!!! Appa!!!" he yelled while running towards his fathers office

"Ne, Vince ... What is it??" Mr kim said still looking at his computer

Vince just gave him an arched look then walk towards his table "Appa, i found something" he said as he reach the table holding his laptop

Mr kim looked up to him and gave him a glare "this better be important Vince i am su-"

"You and and one of you're ex have a daughter" he said cutting his dads words "i have a sister in another woman appa and also Marisol is alive"

"Which woman son??" he said while looking confused

"Emily Jeon Appa, and my sisters name is Vienna Min"

"Min?? ... why is she a Min??" he said while clenching his fist

Vince gulped his own saliva in fear "well, Miss Emily Jeon married a guy named Edward Min who she met in a mall and this guy named Edward Min found out about her pregnancy with you're daughter and decided to marry Emily Jeon and be Vienna's father" he read all of the things he found out

Mr Kim punched the table that made Vince Flinch "im not letting this happen, im gonna get my daughters" he said while gritting his teeth in anger "Vince, learn more things about Vienna and Marisol"

"Ne, Appa" after that he left his fathers office since he doesn't want his dad to release all his anger on him

*Vince POV*

I was about to enter my room when someone tapped my shoulder

"Ohh, hi Hyung, what's up??" i dont want things to be akward or talk about the thing i found out

"Don't What's up me Vince, What happened??" he said in a straight face

'should i tell him, but if i tell him he will also be curious and not leave me until i find everything out' i was still thinking when i felt someone grip my arm and pull me inside my room

"why are you in my room Hyung, GET OUT!!" i should not tell him ... he's gonna be a pain in the ass

"Not until you tell you're Hyung what happened in Appa's office" he gave me sweet smile which made me look at him weirdly

"fine Hyung, I'll tell you just leave my room after .. im busy ok??" i have no choice than tell him or else his gonna be on my tail the rest of the day

"Oo na, tsaka pwede ba mag tagalog tayo ... nasa pilipinas tayo ngayon ok??" that made me laugh

we are in the Philippines since our new step mom wants to visit her siblings and other relatives here, so we are in vacation for a month

"Oo na kuya" i shook my head lightly which made him laugh a little

"So, ano na??"

"may kapatid tayo pangalan nya Vienna Min at buhay din si Marisol" he said starting the news

"Min??, pano natin naging kapatid kung Min sya??....at buhay si Marisol?!"

"Remember Emily Jeon, Hyung??" i said giving him clues

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