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Both girls are looking outside their cars window confused

"uhm... Eomma, diba sa korea tayo nakatira?" Vienna asked while looking outside the cars window

Emily didnt answer she just started playing loud music... Marisol and Vienna were very confused and very dubious of their parents... they awere living here in the philippines for over 7, no almost 8 months and they are very sure that they are not on the road to the airport

Marisol just smoved closer to Vienna and started a conversation, a whispering conversation "somethings off"

"yup, and i think hindi na tayo uuwi sa korea" Vienna added which made Edward look at him at the rear view mirror

Vienna just looked back at the rear view mirror with an expresseion like she's asking whats wrong and Edward just looked back at the road

Vienna just yawned then looked at Marisol "ill take a nap... pede humiga sa shoulder mo Ysol?"

Marisol made a fake shocked expression "hala!... babalian mo ba ako?, bat ka hihiga sa balikat ko?" she then faked caressed her shoulder

Vienna looked at her bluntly 'seryoso, anong meron sa utak ng babaeng to?'... "i mean my head will rest on your shoulder"

Marisol laughed a little

'how cute... looks like a five year old who got her favorite candy'

"im just joking sis, go on rest" Marisol said still giggling to herself

Vienna just shook her head then rested her head on Marisol's shoulders

it was a 3 hours drive but the whole 3 hours they just went on circles and ended up in a airport... 'nag ikot lang ba kami para masaulo nila yung pasikot sikot dito si pinas' Marisol asked herself

Marisol lightly shook Viennas shoulder to wake her up... "hey were here"

Vienna groaned then sat straight, she opened her eyes and her eyeballs almost popped out "akala ko ba di na tayo babalik sa korea"

"honey, we live in korea" Emily said with a sweet smile

"yeah" both of them said then walked out of the car and boarded the plain

when the two of them entered the plain they were both in shock "since when did we affored to rent a whole plain?", Vienna asked in pure shock

"private plain natin to hon" Edward said then sat down

Vienna looked at Marisol with disbelief which made Marisol ask more questions, "since when did we have a private plain... we travel from country to country every 3 moths but we always board a normal plain"

"no more questions... sit down" Edward said and based on his tone his trying not to yell and Emily held his arm to calm him down

Emily whispered something to Edward which made him calm and look at them sweetly "sit down" he said soflty

they both sat down next to each other... "pwede nyong i rotate yung chair hon, para parehas nyong kita yung view sa window" Emily added and they rotated their chair

it was a weird private plain... chairs you can rotate 360 degrees... i window as big as a 55inch flatscreen tv... butlers which they never had growing up... rare bottle of liquors which existed before their parents were even born and many things that they only saw for the first time at the Kim's mansion

"somethings weird is happening" Vienna said once they finished rotating their chair

Marisol nod the looked at the window "yeah, and i will get to the bottom of this"

"WE will get to the bottom of this" Vienna said looking at her bluntly

Marisol was about to look behind when the chair rotated back to its position "what the"

"honey... i rotated it back, itatanong ko lang sana kung bakit di nyo kami tinawagan... i heard you have a phone back there" Emily asked not even looking at them

Vienna didnt know what to say but good things Marisol was there, "the phone was monitored, every call and text i make they will know, and pwede ko lang tawagan don ay ang Unholy, sina Vince and Aaron at yung step sister don na si Princess"

"marunong naman kayong lumaban diba" Edward added

"we decided to earn their trust para pumayag sila na lumabas kame, but we were assigned to be with unholy so nadagdagan pa yung mga kelangan namin paamuhin" Vienna added

"very well then"... after that their chair rotated back to its position

after 4 hours and 10 minutes of sitting down, eating, sleeping and watching some movies they finally reached south korea

it was still freezing cold in south korea since december just came and they were only wearing their uniform... a black leather croptop, lether shorts, black leather boots, knife halter on their right top boots, a halter belt for their guns and bullets and a black mask with a dead rose on the side

"isnt this weird... naka ganto kame and your not even scared that a police or someone will detain one or two of us" Marisol asked when Edward and Emily started walking

"yeah... uhm we have some clothes sa plain mag palit muna kayo" Edward said looking at them

both of them turn around then walked back to the plain... "bakit ang weird nila" Vienna asked when they reached the cabin bathroom

"ngayon ko lang napansin, pano nila nalaman yung pangalan ng pinaka malakas nateng kalaban don" Marisol said but with a louder voice

"well something is indeed off about eomma and appa today" Vienna agreed then exited the bathroom and Marisol went in

"one way to find out, we just have to do the same thing we did at the philippines"

both of them got out of the plain and walked beside their parents... Vienna's parents to be exact

they were just walking quietly until they reached a limousine, Vienna and Marisol looked at each other in pure shock

"we own this freaking car?!", Vienna asked in surprise

Edward sighed, "ofcourse we do"

"how, we can't even buy a BMW and now meron na tayong lomousine?"... Marisol asked looking at them

Edward was about to answer the question but Emily spoke first, "a lot happened since you disappeared honey, sumakay na lang kayo"

the both of them didnt argued back and just went inside the limo and sat infront of the table

once the both of them sat down Marisol instantly felt that something is hidden under the seat... 'clue number 1, more clues to go'

"di maganda pakiramdam ko sa sasakyan na to" Vienna said looking around the limo's interior

Marisol clenched her fist, "may baril sa ilalim ng upuan na to"

Vienna instantly placed her hand to the sofa and was about to pull it up when Marisol slapped her hand

"What the fuck was that about?"... Vienna asked

Marisol just looked at the limo door and when she looked Emily and Edward were boarding the car too... but thank god they didnt saw what Venna was about to do

"Be careful" Marisol whispered to Vienna when the limo started moving

'we have to be ready'

~Published 01/20/21~

~sorry for the late update... hindi lang talaga maganda pakiramdam ko last week~

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