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its been 2 days since they joined the unholy trinity and they barely know their new squad, the only thing they know about them is the information they gave when they did the Mafia off

They are inside their squads room.... its only the 2 of them since its only 3 in the morning they are preparing their guns, knives and the computer Jm will use since they have a mission today

"hanggang kailan pa ba tayo dito, i can't stay in this hell hole anymore" Vienna keeps on sulking since the day they accepted to be the new members of Unholy Trinity

"i told you Yna....kung hindi tayo pumayag na maging members, hindi tayo makakalabas sa bahay nayon.....no choice tayo, if we want to leave this place we need to join them" Ysol explained while placing a tracker in one of her guns bullets

"para saan naman yan.... kahit ibaril mo yan sa tao babalik at babalik pa din yan dito" Vienna said like she is saying a fact

"who said sa tao ko ibabaril to" She placed the gun in her bag "for sure dadating ang mga pulis don.... i will make sure that i shoot this in a place the police can easily see..... hindi lang naman si Jm ang hacker sa group na to"

Vienna just stood there shocked of the last few words the Ysol dropped "thats why dad like to ask you about info's.... hacker ka din palang bruha ka.... ikaw nag hack ng gmail ko for Appa to see my emails noh?"

Ysol just laughed and continue to fix their stuff.... A few hours later and the others came all dressed and ready, they all looked so deadly in a all black leather suite.... they look so professional and everything

"bakit ganyan pa din ang suot nyo?.... hindi ba kayo na inform na bawal ang colorful clothing sa mga missions" Kelly said in a bored tone

but even before Vienna could answer, Alexa spoke faster than her "we just want to clarify thing ok?.... yung makakalaban natin is not just an enemy..... their mafia group is just like ours but maybe 5% weaker.... just like our mafia group, Black Clover have a somewhat mini squad like us.... the only difference is mga lalaki yung kanila but the same age as us.... so if your gonna back out just tell us para mabago namin yung plan"

"at sino namang may sabi na mag baback out kami" Vienna said in a bitchy tone

Sherylyn just laughed "you do realize na hindi namin inayos yung mafia off noh?"

"we just did that to see some of your skills, we just want to see for ourselves kung killing machines nga talaga kayo" Jm said in a bored tone preparing her laptop ang the earpieces for everyone

Ara then spoke right after Jm stopped "but, we realized we wont see your real skills.... kaya tayo may mission ngayon.... you get the point, right? .... well, this mission is actually for us to see your other skills, and for you two to see our real skills"

Vienna snapped and look at all of them with a furrowed brow "Real Skills?"

"just like what i said, hindi namin inayos yon... do you really think were that weak to fall down from one punch?" Sherylyn laughed like its the craziest thing she said

"i know" Ysol said out of the blue "after ng laban naten i saw you girls smirk at each other, and that made me realize na you were faking the fight"

"so, totoo nga na ikaw yung brain sa inyong dalawa.....well atleast thats a fact" Kelly said before wearing her leather jacket

Vienna snapped and look at her "what was that suppose to mean"

before Kelly could answer Jm immediately spoke "Girls its almost 6, we should get going"

"i agree, don't waste your energy sa taong yan Kelly"  Alexa said in a bitchy tone

Mafia Family (finished)Where stories live. Discover now