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"how the hell will we contact Unholy Trinity?" Vienna asked looking at her like she lost her mind

Marisol showed her aesthetic wolf necklace "with this"

"with a necklace?... nasisiraan ka na ba Ysol?"

"hinde" Marisol said then took her necklace off and openned it

"woah... kelan mo yan nadiscover" Vienna looked at the necklace

Marisol just looked at her then back at the necklaceand did her thing


Jm was about to sleep since she was tired as heck from their mission... since Vienna and Marisol left their group everything changed... she sometimes join the others to fight their enemies

she was about to close her eyes when her aesthetic wolf bracelet lit up

"so, its about time we take them back" Jm said smiling... she then took her phone and video called unholy trinity

Alexa answered first and looked at her irritated, "hindi ka ba napapagod Jen Marie De Ocampo?!" and Jm just laughed

Ara answered and beside her was Kelly eating cake, "gutom sya wag kayong magulo jan"

"girls... kasama ko ang one hit" Sherylyn announced when she answered the call and showed the boys

"im calling for a PRIVATE squad meeting Ms. Roca" Jm said focusing the spotlight to her

"fine, eto na kukuha na ng headset..." she then looked at the boys "...restroom lang ako"

when sherylyn reached the bathroom they started the meeting

"its time we take back our girls" Jm said smirking

"you contacted them?" all of them said at the same time and it also made kelly stop eating and focus on their meeting

"nah... but..." Jm showed her bracelet

"what is that?" Sherylyn asked

"bracelet" Alexa answered

they all laughed except Sherylyn... "haha very funny, pero seryoso ano nga?"



"Eomma... Appa..." Vienna whispered

Jm looked at her then at the two adults infront of them 'this is her parents?... how come they kn-'

her thoughts were cut when Marisol elbowed her lightly then gave her a bracelet with a wolf in the middle... she was just looking at Marisol aking for informations

"keep that, i feel something off, alam kong ramdam mo rin yon... kapag umilaw ag bracelet na yan that means track this..." she showed her neclace "...its connected to that bracelet, once na natrack mo... you and the girls pick us up"

Marisol kept her fierce face while still looking at their parents

when Vienna and Marisol walked to join their parents she immediately wore the bracelet


"get ready girls... we are going on a road trip"


"what now" Vienna asked after Marisol did her thing

Marisol focused on her phone again "we wait"

Mafia Family (finished)Where stories live. Discover now