~Vienna's life~

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Vienna and Ysol is currently having their break from training with Vienna's step dad ... a few years ago she decided she wants to learn how to fight since shes related to a mafia and her friend Ysol did the same ... her mom didnt say yes at first but with the help of her step dad they convinced her mom that she can use this as self protection

"Hey sweety, How are your girls break doing??" says her father who is sitting next to her

"Ok lang dad, Its tiring actually" and Ysol just laughed beside her "What's so funny?, don't tell me nadalian ka lang"

"ikaw naman kasi Yna, kada tapos mo mag boxing, kung hindi ka iinom ng tubig or juice....kakain ka ng chocolates" Ysol said wearing her resting bitch face

Vienna just shrugged and looked at her dad "You look tired dad, pahinga ka na muna, kakain na lang kame" she said with a cheeky smile on her face

"Kakain ka nanaman?" Ysol said with a shocked yet smirky face

"alam ko naman na gusto mo din"

"how are you gonna train yourself to fight if you keep on eating" he was looking at Vienna desperately which made her laugh

"Dad, eating is one of my source of strength" she said while laughing

"Fine, if you say so, oh sya magpapahinga na muna ako, you girls eat up and enjoy" he said with a smug smirk building up his face while standing up

"Dad" Vienna called which made his dad look at her "wag mo landiin si mama, nagpapahinga yon"

he just laugh and nod to her ... Vienna and ysol were about to go to the kitchen when they heard a car pull out to their driveway

*Vienna's POV*

"Sino naman kaya yon, wala naman kaming bisita ahh" she said while walking to the window

"Anong tawag mo saking bruha ka"

"Sira ulo....dito ka na nakatira ehhh"

Vienna looked ourside the window and to her surprise she saw 4 men wearing all black with guns standing outside their house in Japan

Vienna instantly felt like something is wrong

"We have company, Ysol"

"Really?"....Ysol looked out and instantly back away

they decided to tiptoe up to her parents room and tell them everything

she knocked as silent as she could to her parents room "come in honey" her mom yelled which made her alarmed and look downstairs

she felt relieved that no one heard it, they instantly went inside her parents room and told them everything as silent as she could

"Mom, Dad, may mga lalaki sa baba .. nakablack sila at may baril na dala" she felt her mom stiffened which only means one thing


she and Ysol felt it and left the to to get ready ... they had been training for 4 years now and they can already do good at fighting

Both of them went to their room and wore a black denim shorts, a black crop top tight shirt, their army jacket that can reach above their knees, a long black sock and their black  boots ... they loaded their gun and put knives on their side belt and some amo's for their gun just in case ... they also ready their things that they will take to leave Japan

as if on cue her dad came to her room after they packed up ... before leaving theur room Vienna tied her hair up to a pony tail and Ysol tied her hair up in a bun since they know they are going to fight some of those guys

"Mom, sa likod ka na dumaan, kaya na namin to ni dad" her mom wasn't sure if shes gonna agree

"Hon, go ahead susunod kame, we promise" after that her mom finally went to the back of the house ... her step dad really is something


they were still im the middle of the staircase when one of the guys attacked her father ... while her father was fighting she and Ysol went to the other three and started fighting with them

the other three was hesitant to fight her which made her sure that they are her real fathers men ... they took the chance of them thinking and punch one of them which alarmed the other guy to fight them

they were dodging their attacks until they got tired then its their turn ... Vienna kicked one of the guys in the stomach and Ysol punched the other in the face which made them lie on the floor ... the other guy got his senses back and started to attack them, but even before his fist touch Ysol's face Vienna already took his right hand and twist him to turn around and pushed him to the floor

they took out those guys like they were only the same age as them ... which clearly is a long gap ... they are only 10 and those guys look like they were around 30 years old

They were fighting for about 20 minutes now ... they were so bored of their fighting which made them decide to use her special skill ... the both of them killed those guys using hand to hand combat by hitting their pulse on the neck, then targeting the weak point of the heart ... and them boom two are dead and two are unconscious

they decided to leave them like that ... so they went to her mom and they took off to go to Thailand

*4 years later*

everything is the same for 4 years now they always go to other countries and stay there for 3 to 4 months before they leave to go to another country because they always get followed

Because of everything that is happening Vienna and Ysol is starting to hate their real father ... who wouldn't be ... he played her mom and then when he found out that he has a daughter, he suddenly send his men to hunt us down like nothing happened

they are now going to Seoul South Korea to live there for good if they get into trouble for being caught they dont care ... Vienna and Ysol are killing machines now made by her Step Father and her Anger to his real Father ... they can protect her Mom and Step dad from any harm caused by Mr. Richard Kim

In those 4 years of hiding, Fighting and Killing her Real Fathers men ... they decided to take a step forward and investigate about his father and its current life

turns out that his father has two other son's Vince and Aaron Kim who is way older than her ... she also found out that she has a new step daughter named Princess Park who is 3 years older than her ... and her dad is happily married with princess's mother

"why the hell does he want me back if he already has a complete family under his roof" a question that keeps on going back n fort in her mind these past years

"Something is really off" ysol said while looking at the information


one thing is for sure her father is not gonna stop until he gets her under his roof .... and that will never happen



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