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"lets get this party started shall we?"

the boys were just glancing at each other not knowing what to do... they dont want to fight the girls but the girls look like their ready to kill

"wag lang kayong tumayo jan... we have a broken hearted member here you know" Ara announced

Kirby loooked at Sherylyn whose looking at them with a dark aura around her


they were just staring at each other quietly until someone radiod in Kyle

"code red RKS code red"

RKS were looking at each other when Ara fired her sniper infront of them

"what the hell was that for" Cyril asked

Unholy trinity looked at each other then back at them "kill or be killed" then they attacked

the girls attacked their respective enemy while the boys were just dodging

Sheylyn is fighting Kirby alone, Vienna and Alexa is fighting Marcus and Akihiro together, Marisol fighting Val alone, Kelly and Ara helping each other to fight Jerick and Cyril and lastly Jm and Kyle hacking each others laptop

~KirLyn POV~

Sherylyn was just launching attacks back to back while Kirby is just dodging

"fight back you @$$H0LE!!" Sherylyn yelled

Kirby didnt even replied and just kept on focusing on Sherylyns attacks trying not to hurt her

Sherylyn took her nunchucks and attacked kirby using it

"Sherylyn stop!" Kirby yelled

Sherylyn looked at him deadly "im not Sherylyn, my name is Red"

Sherylyn kicked Kirby on his side on his knee then was about to hit his pulse on the neck but Kirby dodged

'damn it!' Sherylyn said in her head

'come on Kirby... i need to fight back' Kirby said in his thoughts

Kirby pushed Sherylyn and threw a punch but Sherylyn dodged it


~MarVien @ AkiLex POV~

Vienna we standing back to back while Akihiro and Marcus were circling them

"we need to make a damn move" Alexa whispered to Vienna

unlike KirLyn... Marcus and Akihiro were fighting back with all of their strengths

Vienna held her hand, "hold me tightly"

Alexa did what Vienna told her and Vienna slide down and and tripped Akihiro which made Marcus stop on his moves

"now Ruby!" Vienna yelled

Marcus looked at her "who the hell is Ruby?"

"Marcus!!" Akihiro yelled

Marcus looked at him and Akihiro was looking behind him so he looked back only to see Alexa

"i am Ruby" then slide down and when he lost his balance she punched his stomach

Akihiro was about to stand up when Vienna kicked him "and i... am Light"

Vienna looked at Alexa "mali yung tinumba mo... mali din yung binagsak ko"

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