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All seven of them were standing infront of a dark blue gate with poison ivy all over it.... they were sent there to help some colleague with their guns and bombs and also pick up their weapons

"this is hella crazy" Vienna said looking at the gate with her mouth open

the others just nod while looking at the gate with serious faces... they stood there for about 2 or 3 more minutes before the gate opened on its own

Vienna's mouth instantly opened in shock "what the actual fu-"

"profanity" all six of them said at the same time and it just made Vienna look at them with a smug face

All of them walked inside the mansion with their chins up

before they could enter the mansion two guards stood infront of them "Mam im sorry, you cant-"

"Unholy Trinity" Jm said with a deadly expression that Vienna and Ysol haven't seen before

'this is new' Ysol said in her head

'she is hella scary' Vienna said in her head

once Jm said that they are Unholy Trinity the two guards instantly step aside and one of the guards guided them to the basement

when they entered the basement the guard locked the door behind them and all of them instantly knew one thing


"shit" all seven of them said at the same time

they were standing in a circle with their backs facing each other when the lights on the room turned on

A guy wearing a mask came out of the dark part of the room "well, well, well.... Unholy Trinity" he said with a weird accent

they were all quiet until the guy took of his mask and it made all of them shock

'he looks like lord Dark' Jm said in her head

"Yindī t̂xnrạb h̄ỵing s̄āw" welcome young ladies.... The man said with a scary aura around him

'oh Thai pa pala tong kaharap namin' Kelly, Ara Vienna and Alexa said in their heads

all of them just looked at him with a weird face and Jm decided that she is the one whose gonna do the talking

"Khuṇ t̂xngkār xarị cāk reā?" what do you want from us?.... Jm said with a straight face

"C̄hạn?... Khuṇ pĕn khn thī̀mā thī̀ nī̀" Me?... you are the one who came here.... The guy said with the weird smile still plastered on his face

"Khuṇ pĕn phī̀ chāy k̄hxng p'dark h̄rụ̄x pel̀ā" are you P'dark's brother?.... Jm asked with that annoying bitchy face

"Dĕk «s̄ạngket dị̂ dī nı thukwạnnī̂" Children observe well these days.... the guy said while nodding

"Khuṇ chụ̄̀x xarị?" what's your name?.... Ysol said with a fierce look

"Alvin Kim tæ̀ khuṇ s̄āmārt̄h thor h̄ā c̄hạn dị̂ P'Midnight" Alvin Kim but you can call me Midnight.... Mr Kim said with a smile

Sherylyn looked at everyone then spoke "uhmm... do you speak english?"

P'Midnight looked up at the ceiling like he is was thinking about it "oo naman may lahi din naman akong amerikano"

Mafia Family (finished)Where stories live. Discover now