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the limo was moving slowly, and instead of Vienna and Marisol chilling there since it was a calm ride "home", they were just tensed up because Edaward kept on glancing on the seat ther were sitting at... for almost half of the rise Edward was just staring at the seat Vienna almost lifted earlier

"Are you girls feeling comfy there?" Edward asked

"yeah Appa" Vienna aswered cheerfuly then when Edward looked away she looked at Marisol with a disgusted face

Marisol laughed to herself little then stared at the back of the ipad Emily was holding

'target 1... i need to look at that ipad as soon as possible'

"huy, bat ganyan tingin mo" Vienna whispered to Marisol

Marisol looked Vienna then whispered, "kelangan natin yung tablet... we need to look at the info there"

Vienna looked at her weirdly then looked at Emily "Eomma can i borrow that ipad, me and Ysol are bored"

"no honey... not this ipad... theres another ipad under that table"

when Emily looked back at the ipad, Vienna looked at them weirdly 'what the hell, they never say that'

Marisol sighed "kala mo talaga ibibigay nya yon sayo... i already told you, something fishy is happening"

"Yeah, pag may nalaman ba tayo ano ang gagawin naten?, we cant contact unholy"

Marisol scoffed "yes we can" then showed Vienna her wolf necklace



its their first day without Marisol and Vienna and they were already dying from borednes... when the two girls were here they were always laughing, playing, doing something fun and sometimes even fighting... and now they were just sitting around their room and was just throwing knives on the door... Alexa threw the new poisonous knife

then the door opened "Hey gir- AHHHH"

they all stood up in shock then they saw Vince catching his breath and Aaron holding the poison knife infront of Vince's heart

'phew, he caught it just in time' Alexa said in her head relieved

Aaron pushed Vince isnide the room then closed the door and was just shock to see almost 80 to 90 knives stuck on their door... they cant even see the door knob not even any parts of the door they just see lots and lots of knife handles covering the door

"are you that bored girls" Aaron said still looking at the back of the door

Sherylyn sighed "yes sir Aaron... kanina pa kami nakatambay dito, if Marisol and Vienna were here edi sana malinis yang pinto namin"

the others agreed with what Sherylyn said

Vince sighed "we all miss them... kaya nga andito kami to discuss something"

"something?" Ara asked

"yeah... hindi ba weird na alam nina Emily and Edward and pangalan ng pinaka malakas nating kalaban?" Aaron asked

the girls looked at each other then Jm nod, they then started to talk about the things the boys were weirded out and the girls told them the things that they noticed when Edward and Emily took Vienna and Marisol


"who the hell are those people" Marisol asked when they reached their room

Mafia Family (finished)Where stories live. Discover now