episode 12 part 2

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Sorry this episode will be split into 3 parts because of the whirlwind of exams and quarantine , I don't even know what's going on anymore

One second I have an exam tommorow , the other everything closes down , I don't even know when my exams will be

But I'm free...for now

Help ;-;

I'm so confused , also if anyone knows someone who I can ask biology questions at random times, pls tell


"Do you even know what boot camp is?" Asked Luis tiredly

"No , but it sounds like a camp for training" said Pete

"How old are you even?" Asked Tess in confusion

"Old enough to ignore that question" said Pete "to boot camp!!!"

"Did somebody say boot camp?" Said King as he entered the kitchen "I agree to run it , we'll rise at dawn , you'll carry me on your back as I tell hateful things about your performance!"

"Did you not hear the magic part?" Asked Pete

"Nope! You'll have no part in this" said Eda "Luz needs to focus , I can't have her go all weird whenever you do something adorable"

"I am NOT adorable" said King as he stomped the floor angrily

"Aww , he stamped his little foot" said Luz cooing over King

King screeched and left after several failed attempts at slamming the door

"Tess you're coming with us" said Luis tiredly

"What?!" Asked Tess in surprise "no! I'm more comfortable here tha__"

"This is definitely one of those days" said Luis tiredly "and I'm gonna need your help"

"Those days?" Asked Eda raising a brow

"You know? The days where either you or Luz do something stupid then we have a whacky adventure on our hands" said Luis frowning "happens a lot, and I don't trust Eda or Luz to help"

"Fine" said Tess reluctantly

"Huh? You're right! That does happen a lot , but that doesn't mean it's one of those days" said Eda smiling "now back to business , we have to go somewhere special , a place where magical energy just "flows" , a place like

The knee!!!"

"Yeeeees!!!!" Yelled Luz when they got to the knee

"Still don't need an alarm clock" said Luis frowning

"Is anybody gonna question how she took so long to finish that sentence?" Asked Pete "we even changed clothes before she finished it"

"Nope" "never" "absolutely not"

Hearing this Pete just shrugged


"The earliest witches came to the knee to develop their magic , drawn to it's natural power" said Eda as they climbed the knee

"Ah! It's beautiful" said Luz as she saw the ruins covered in snow

"It's ruined" said Luis frowning

"But it's not without it's dangers" said Eda as she pointed at a nearby beast "the slither beast , don't worry if you don't mess with him he won't mess with you"

This made the twins shiver

"Ahh I remember when this place was still active" said Pete "even Ferox came here every once in a while"

"I always wondered, how did look like before this?" Asked Eda pointing at the ruins

"Majestic" said Pete "let's Carry on"

Tess however was very bothered , she had that problem to deal with and now of all times Luis shows assertiveness

Then they walked until they reached the spot

"Here's where we'll set up shop" said Eda smiling

"I'll definitely learn my second spell here" said Luz happily "gorgeous views , magic in the air , and best of all we're completely alone"

She was proven wrong a second later when Eda pushed out of the way of a stray purple fireball

"Sorry , whoever's over there" said Amity

"Forget teaching me a spell just make me disappear" said Luz covering her face

"Well , okay , but I have a 40:60 record of making you reappear" said Eda before realizing "oh you meant , ah nevermind"

"Hey Luz!" Said Ed and Em

"Can you at least make those two disappear?" said Luis angrily "that would be appreciated"

"Well , I think murder isn't off the table yet" said Eda smiling "maybe"

"I. Hate . Those. Two. SO MUCH" said Luis punching a nearby rock in anger "Tess do yo__"

Before Luis could continue the sentence , he saw Tess , in her calculation mode again

"Tess!!!" Yelled Luis angrily

"Aaah!! I'm listening!" Said Tess as she jumped shock

"No you're not!" Said Luis angrily "what is so problematic that you do this , I need you today , can't you just do this tommorow or something?!"

"*Sigh* no it's really important , and I can't leave it alone okay!" Said Tess annoyed

Luis contemplated for a second

"Fine!" Said Luis frowning "do what you want"

"So you're playing that card huh?" Said Tess frowning

"Yes I am!" Said Luis angrily "no go do your business , I don't care!"

He said that as he turned around , Tess left angrily

"Hey Luis , wanna learn how to identify different types of snow?" Asked Eda holding a basket of snowballs

Luis gave her an angry look 

"Hey! He's my student!" Said Pete before turning to Luis "wanna eat some snow?"

Luis grabbed Pete and stabbed him in the snow like a spear

"So that's a no?" Said Pete

Safe to say , Luis nearly snapped Pete in half

"Oh hey Luis!" Yelled Edric

"I see you're still angry" said Emira happily

"I'm swear I'm going to kill them one day" said Luis to himself

"Well , how about we practice mimic then" said Pete "maybe you can make that day come faster"

"Ugh , fine" said Luis as he rubbed his temples

"Fantastic!" Said Pete "let's go!"

"Hey! Are you listening?" Asked Edric as he put his hand on Luis's shoulder

"Get your hand off of me before I rip your arm off and shove it down your throat" said Luis angrily (maybe more than angrily)

Edric then silently let go of Luis's shoulder

And Luis stomped his way to his training location

"He must be really angry" said Emira "the snow is even melting under his feet"

The snow under his feet was indeed melting with every step

"Interesting" said Pete as he followed Luis


Again , sorry for the short chapter , I have no idea what is happening with anything

And I'm very scared

Help me ;-;

Also don't forget to comment something, it helps


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