Episode 11 part 1

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This chapter is short because this episode is hard to do , and I'm tired

And pls do rate because I wanna know how I did


Eda and King were in Eda's human collectables stand

King was sulking about why no one was paying attention to him as he was offering snacks

Then Luz jumped in

"Guys!" Said Luz excitedly "you will not believe what's going on! It's a book fair!"

"A fair without rides?" Said King as he witnessed Luz kick a living book

"Yeah yeah book fair , Eda do you know how to make this guy less demanding" said Luis holding Petram (the staff and Pete is the wyvern on the staff)

"Well A.Eww B.I don't care C.i'm bored D.i feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse" said Eda as she walked away

"No wait! Luis can't come he's busy with Pete" said Luz as she turned her attention to King

"Can you stop calling me Pete!" Said Pete ( :} ) angrily but Luz ignored him as she spoke with King

"Never gonna happen bud , I ain't calling someone Petram for the rest of the season" said Tess bluntly

"Don't you__ nevermind" said Luis raising a brow "can you just teach me in a more accepting way"

"Nope" said Pete "I'm the one in charge and you listen to what I say about your training"

"You never trained a soul" said Luis frowning

"Shame" said Pete

And Gemma approached from behind

"Hey Luis!" Said Gemma scaring Luis

"Hi Gem" said Luis on the ground "i-i mean Gemma"

"Uhm uhh you could still call me that if you want" said Gemma smiling nervously

"Ok" said Luis nervously

"So today's the book fair and maybe we could go....do something?" Said Gemma not knowing what to say

"Uhh I guess?" Said Luis scratching head nervously

"What about our training?!" Asked Pete angrily "and where is that talking box of yours"

"Your training is a hoax" said Luis frowning "let's go!"


"He looks just like a stereotypical writer , it's scary" said Luis raising a brow

"He's a famed author for a reason" said Gemma smiling "so should we go join the writing contest?"

"Sure! Let's go" said Luis out of impulse before realizing "but uhh I'm not a good writer"

"We're joining for fun , not to win" said Gemma laughing nervously "and I'm not a good author either"

"Oh , ok then let's go" said Luis hiding a blush as they entered themselves in the competition


"You guys joined the competition too?" said Luz excitedly "we could make a te_"

"Actually Luz , I think we should be on different teams this time" said Luis scratching his head "you are good writer and I think I'll just hold you back"

"Oh , well I do wish you the best of luck" said Luz as she grabbed King "c'mon King let's write a story!"

"She took that pretty well" said Gemma raising a brow "and pretty quickly"

"Let's say the only thing I know how to write is an overly convoluted d d and more d or D and D rip off" said Luis shrugging

"Yeah I don't know what that is" said Gemma "i heard the letter d too many times how about we use it less"

"Actually that could be a good challenge" said Luis "making a full story without using the letter D once"

"That doesn't sound so bad" said Gemma smiling

"Can I join you?" Said Pete on top of his staff "it sounds like fun"

"Only if you teach me on my own pace not by your standards" said Luis "because all I can do with you yelling at me is blow myself up accidentally"

"Yo__....fine , i shall teach you at the pace you decide" said Pete tiredly "but my name goes on the cover it has no Ds"

""Fair enough"" said the two rolling their eyes

"Yes! Now let's write some stories without the Ds" said Pete excitedly


And so they did...this text is not part of challenge

Anyway they wrote the story without any ds

They had to make twists and turns and maybe a few grammatical errors but they did it

And they will not forget the awkward moments that came with

Like when Gemma accidentally tripped and fell on Luis

They both turned into blushing messes

Of course both were oblivious to the other's embarrassment

But it was fun

And where on the titan is Tess?


Roses are red

Cement is gray

I have nothing clever to say



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