Agony of a witch part 1

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"Wow, Hooty is surprisingly powerful....and oblivious" said Tess staring out of the window with a cheeky grin "Me likey"

"Yeah, he's a thorn in my side, but he always digs a way back into my heart" said Eda sipping on a warm drink

Eda and Tess were now watching Hooty beat the life out the emperor's coven and Eda's sister, Lilith

"Oooh, magic sketti" said Luz attempting to touch a pot that Eda was stirring magically before Eda hit her hand with a spoon

"I don't think Eda would make sketti in the living room, Luz" said Luis walking to the window to watch the massacre outside "If i saw this scene without knowing Hooty, I'd be terrified"

"I know, right" said Tess staring at Hooty "So charming"

"I thought we let that joke go, Tess" said Luis frowning

"I did, now it's true love!" Yelled Tess

Luis just took a deep breath and walked to Eda

"Can you explain that so i don't have to listen to her?"

"Ok, that Sketti is witch's wool, it repels powerful spells, any witch worth their salt has a cloak made from this stuff" said Eda in a serious tone, making Luz want a cloak "Careful kid, with the emperor's goons on my doorsteps, i need this for protection, they've really stepped up their attacks lately"

"I think i finally understand why the emperor wants you so badly" said Luz calmly before bursting into a cheeky smile "he's got the hots for you, doesn't he?"

Eda replied with a happy grin and some finger guns

"I'll never understand you people" deadpanned Luis

"Whatever, but that's not the reason, Belos wants to control all wild magic through his coven system, he ordered my capture years ago because i refused to fall in line" said Eda bitterly

"And he won't stop until he's got you" said Luz in a sad tone making Luis droop a little

"Aww, don't sound so worried, I'm a master escape artist, the only thing that can slow me down is the curse and that hasn't bothered me for weeks!" Said Eda cheerfully

Then she started sprouting feathers all over

"You shouldn't have said that!" Said Luis frowning staring at the feathers before Eda started transforming "You should NOT have said that!"

King nonchalantly waltzed into the room as Eda transformed

"King!" Called Luz worriedly staring at the transformed Eda "Get the elixir! Now!"


"Eda, can you stop holding Luz's face like it's a cabbage?" Said Luis staring at Eda cautiously while aiming a net gun cannon at her

"Oh, right, thanks for that" said Eda letting go of Luz's face before standing up, then she heard the sound of bottles falling "and those"

"Hey, your gem, it's still dark" said Luz in confusion as she pointed at the half darkened gem

"Uh, no it's not!" Said Eda hiding her gem

"The curse has been getting worse and you've been hiding it?" Said Luis frowning

"Yes, it's been taking more elixir to turn me back and more magic to keep the curse from rearing it's feathery head" said Eda crestfallen

"So, what happens when you're out of magic? Do you die?!" Asked Luz worriedly

"No! Geez, you're morbid. I just sorta turn into the owl beast....forever" said Eda trying to make it sound less dangerous "aah! It's a fate much worse than death if you think about it"

"No! We won't let that happen! Right Luis?" Said Luz with determination in her eyes

"Right, Tess, you're gonna have to examine every part of her curse" said Luis narrowing his eyes "and try to find a cure"

"Luis, i know you're capable of a lot, but this is__" said Eda smiling before Tess cur her off

"Don't worry Eda, i graduated from every medical school on earth and went to Boarwarts, Bongostrang and Beauxtruncheon schools of wizardry! You have nothing to worry about!"

"I thought that there was no magic in the human realm?" Said Eda skeptically

"Yeah, i went there in a video game, but it's the medical schools that count" said Tess proudly

"Okay, you all have to stop!, you don't have to worry, all i have to do is limit my magic usage a bit" said Eda cheerfully, before realizing that the twins weren't convinced "C'mon, do the parallel arm thing"

And the twins hugged her immediately, King hugged her too and Tess went in too

"Geez Luis, i didn't know you liked doing this" said Eda smiling

"I'm still recovering from severe anxiety, just give me this one" said Luis glaring at Eda

"*gasp* you're having a group..was it called hug? Without me!" Said Pete with a small sleeping hat on his head

Luis stared at him for a second before rolling his eyes and signaling for him to get in on the hug

Pete did so and they were all in a big pile of hugging Eda

"Ok! It's time for school!" Said Eda taking the group with her outside the room before having the twins leave the house "have a good day!"

"Get rest! Drink lots of water! Stay out of the sun!" Said Luz smiling as Eda gave her her bag

"Luz, i don't think mom's advice is gonna work on a magic curse" said Luis raising a brow

"Yeah, yeah, he's right, bye!" Said Eda shutting the door

The twins just stood there for a second bef they started heading to school

"Poor Eda, enemies everywhere, even her own body" said Luz crestfallen  "i wish i could help her"

"Next thing we do when we get back is try to find a cure or something like the elixir" said Luis with a hand on her chin

The two then stopped at the sound of a grunt behind the bushes and there they saw it

Hooty having a tea party with the emperor's coven members, it was terrifying no matter the concept

The two sped up to their journey to school


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