Episode 10 part 2

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"so tell me why this is a good idea again" said Luis with concern "we're not even sure you can control a staff"

"Well , what other choice do we have?" Said Luz "and besides we wouldn't need a staff if you had any method of transportation"

"Do I look like I'm made of space to you?" Said Luis frowning "I can't fit stuff that big on me"

"But you can fit weapons in a little ball?" said Luz skeptically

"That little ball has limits" said Luis frowning "and I don't have a driver's license"

Luz and Luis were now entering the owl house , looking for Eda's staff

"King are you home?" Yelled Luz "I'll go check upstairs"

Then Luz left Luis and went upstairs looking for King

"Why aren't you at the game?" Asked Tess with the biggest frown possible

"There has been some complications , and now we need something to get us there" said Luis expressionlessly "you're still not coming with us"

Tess grumbled angrily

"I'm going upstairs" said Tess tiredly "maybe King has something fun to do"

"I doubt it" said Luis frowning

"Better than nothing" said Tess as she started going upstairs (again don't ask how something without legs can climb us stairs)

Tess passed Luz as she was going down and saw King with Eda

Owl beast Eda , she also noticed Eda's eyes

"I'm feeling confident about this plan" said King

"And I'm feeling confident this is gonna go badly" said Tess frowning

"Aaah! Uh Tess! I know nothing! What's an Eda?" Said King nervously before giving up to Tess's glare "ok fine! I'm gonna use Eda to get revenge on the Usurper"

"Something bad is bound to happen" said Tess with concern

"Don't worry" said King smiling

"Way too late for that" said Tess still looking at in disbelief

"If something goes wrong I can just give her a bottle of the elixir" said King confidently "it's a fool proof plan , and you'll go along with it because otherwise you have nothing to do"

"I guess I'll be babysitting a baby babysitting a babysitter for the day" said Tess with a serious face "I said baby way too much"


"Glandis high!" Said Luz excitedly as she accidentally smacked Owlbert on the wall "oh! sorry Owlbert"

"Be careful , he's not a toy" said Luis frowning

"It's okay , we're just on our way to help some friends" Luz told Owlbert as Gus, Gemma and Willow marvelled at the sight of Owlbert

"That sounds like something you'd say before kidnapping someone" said Luis narrowing his eyes

"We're not kidnapping him , now who's ready to ride on air Luz!" Said Luz excitedly

They were all huddled up on the staff , Gemma blushed like a tomato but no one saw anything

As everyone was on the staff , Luis began showing some concern

"Are you sure it can handle us a_" said Luis in concern but they were already flying "okay , I guess it's__"

"Step on it Owlbert" said Luz before the staff started flying uncontrollably

They flew around bumping into a lot of trees

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