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You always felt shitty, but perhaps this was the shittiest you'd ever been.

If knowing what happened to the future was a blessing or a curse, that, you didn't know. After having a glimpse of what had transpired in the future due to your curiosity feeding your idiocy, you chose to use 'Hei' just for a little sneak peek regarding what the teachers had in store for today...

"That will happen to... Shouta?" Your voice was weak as you prepared for school; your uniform passably ironed and your h/c tufts of hair combed just for the heck of it.

The skin between your eyebrows was all scrunched up as you tried your hardest to prevent your stomach from utterly transforming into knots. Your breathing was made difficult as you felt a heavy abstract block weighting itself on your chest, with it intensifying once you realized that 'Hei' was never wrong about the visions that it'd given you.

"Are you done now, kid? Come down for breakfast." The always-groggy voice of your brother was perceived by your auditory organ, muffled since he was downstairs and quite far from where you were at. And while usually, it calmed you down, now, you couldn't help but feel more bouts of trepidation coursing through your nerves after having an idea as to what would happen to him as the day neared its peak.

You slung your bag on your shoulders, and now had you only seen the way your hands trembled due to the nerves encompassing you as a whole. Turning the doorknob to completely exit the room that you would do anything just to have you not leave its premises, especially now, you headed downstairs before heading towards the dining room, seating yourself on a chair opposite to him as you placed your bag down on the floor.

"Hey, Sho," you started as you gulped. Your eyes were set on the food before you, yet unlike tempting you as they always did before, now you felt queasy, that with just one gander at them, bile would be forming inside your mouth.

"Hm?" He hummed a response. Seemed like he noticed how you were acting as of the moment since it now showed on his entire visage.


"We're going to that USJ thingy today, right? There'll be a villain attack once we did."

Aizawa's eyes widened and you'd sworn you heard him trying to hide the sounds of him choking on his own spit.

You dropped it all in one go, finding no reason for you to segue and make things longer than they should've been.

"You... you used your quirk?" Shouta massaged the bridge of his nose after resting his cutlery on his own plate.

"And you're more worried about that? I saw your state there, Shouta. I saw how that... How that monster treated you as if you were a ragdoll! The chances of you dying, I estimated, was high. So please... Do something about it." Your appetite was now completely gone as you mindlessly stared at everything that was in front of you, though making sure to avoid the ravenette's gaze, feeling slight guilt about how you lost your composure in front of him.

If you could just do anything that would unequivocally halt that event from actually occurring, you would. But you were only just a student now, were you? You had no power, you had no rights to stop whatever those above you were planning. But this... You guessed that this'd do for now.

"Your foresight had never been wrong, hadn't they?" He recalled something akin to this happening awhile back. You tugged on his sleeves when you hardly even reached his shoulders as you woefully cried out, "Something will happen to All Might."

So he, of all people, knew better than to ignore something as dire as this, not when it wouldn't only be him being the one affected. Not when the probability of you getting gravely injured was high if villains were to truly attack whilst classes were ongoing. He would be perfectly fine if it was just him... But you? Ah, no, definitely not you. Even if he didn't outright show it, he cared for you, a lot. And if something were to happen to you when he could've done things to prevent it in the first place, he never would be able to feel mercy toward himself to forgive, well, himself.

That's why...

"I'm going to contact Thirteen later on along with the Principal. We're going to postpone the rescue simulation training for today."

Hope flared up within you, though it dimmed once you heard the words 'for today'. Just because you managed to change one thing for this day didn't mean that it was set in stone that it wouldn't happen on a later date... But you couldn't ask for more than this.

This wherein Shouta actually listened to you without doubt clouding his thought process.

"...Thank you."

"Let's... Let's get going."

As you neared the gates of the school with your sibling, your eyes narrowed at the bevy of people interviewing your fellow schoolmates like it wasn't a violation at all to cause rupture to the pupils' personal space. The things that you'd seen earlier was slowly being pushed out of your mind.

It appeared as if they were slowly losing hope that they'd actually manage to gather enough information to satiate the thirst their employers had for something as juicy as the number one Pro-Hero actually picking being a teacher as their sideline.

One by one, they surrounded you two, and it didn't take long before they asked if All Might could be fetched just for whatever the hell this was.

"...Also, you look like a mess, what's your deal?" One female asked and you were more than ticked off by her comment. Shouta might look like a hobo, but you just couldn't stand there when someone was blatantly bashing your brother, could you?

"Oh no, what's your deal? You're just wasting your time here when it's obvious that you guys will gain nothing from doing so. What are you, dumbfu-" Before you could finish what you had in store for them, you felt one of Shouta's hands clamping your mouth shut before you could say anything that would most definitely be taken negatively.

"Don't mind her. And also, All Might's not on campus today, so get out of here. You've disturbed my students enough already," and once you'd mustered up enough strength to slap his hand away from you, you didn't waste the time to flash him a glare.

Murmurs after murmurs went by, and you were just about to give your rebuttal to them when one girl was stupid enough to actually go past the gates. Foolish woman.

Before the gates could fully close, you'd given her a mocking sneer and you could see how it had fueled up her irksomeness even higher.

Serves that bimbo right.

"Hey, Izuku, I missed ya, my boy. I didn't see you much yesterday," you ruffled his already unruly green tufts of hair with a slight simper on your face. You'd just plopped your bag down in front of your seat and had just gone to Midoriya's table just to conversate.

"Ah! Sorry about leaving you behind, N/n... I just... had to do things," and you took note of how his voice went quieter when he uttered the last part yet you didn't pay it much mind. If he didn't want to tell it to you, then he was, in no way, obligated to do such. The last thing you wanted to do was to pressure your friend into making them do something that was against their will. That was Bakugou's job! Plus, you were quite sure that he'd tell it to you out of his own volition.

When you saw the blondie who was constantly overcome by livid enter the room, you gave him a smile of your own when e/c hues clashed with a fiery red, and once you'd noticed him huffing and turning his head away from, you were helpless and just erupted into fits of chuckles. You also had sworn that you'd seen the slightest indication of rouge coating the tips of his ears and the highest points of his cheeks!

Midoriya, who'd seen every bit of this interaction, felt like he was contemporarily on the holds of a dilemma. An ugly feeling permeated its way through his emotions' core. Jealousy, was it? Ah yes, it indeed was. He was familiar with this one, especially.

He shook his head as several thoughts erupted within his mind. Just because you two had this weird intercommunication thing didn't mean that you'd leave him for Bakugou, right? Yeah, you'd said so yourself that-

"Heyey, somethin' wrong?" You asked him, and little by little, he pushed away all of the pessimism that was insidiously engulfing him.

You wouldn't.

"No... nothing's wrong!" He shakily grinned at you causing you to coo at his cuteness.

Right, nothing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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