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A/n: It's been a while since I've watched BNHA, and sorry if I got some things wrong here and in the upcoming chapters hehe.


"This is my stop, see you tomorrow, Izuku," you bid farewell before you started to head over towards your home, halting once you perceived a familiar voice stopping you.

"Y/n... I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you earlier..." Midoriya apologized, his head hung down for he was too filled with shame to look at you nor see the expression on your face. Shaking your head at his antics, you walked towards him before glomping him into a hug, one of your hands playing with the tufts of his green locks.

"It's alright. I'm fine, you see? I can take care of myself so don't beat yourself over something that isn't your fault at all." In hopes of comforting him, you said before letting go, and in doing so, you flashed him a smile.

'I don't do this often, but this kid went through a lot,' you thought as memories of defending him from those who picked on him for not withholding a quirk flooded through your mind. That fact though didn't stop you from becoming his friend.

Midoriya felt the side of his lips turning upwards, feeling his mood lightening. You'd never failed to make him remember that he wasn't worthless, weak, and other things that downed him from time to time. You always told him that being a hero never piqued your interests and never made you want to be one, but in his eyes,

you truly were one.

You looked at the sky, the clear blue color it had turning into yellowish-orange with a few other shades mixing in. Sighing, your habit of ruffling a person's hair came into action.

"I must go now, you crybaby," You joked, knowing that he wouldn't take your words seriously as you occasionally jested with him– something that indicated the depth of your relationship with the said male since you felt comfortable enough with him to do so.

"You should go home, too. Want me to accompany you? After all, it's only a few blocks away from mine," you offered, yet you didn't give him time to reply as you started walking towards the opposite direction of your house.

"But... Isn't accompanying a boy's job?" Midoriya inquired as he rushed to your side post-haste once he saw you already moving ahead of him.

You chuckled as your hands pocketed themselves, "Aren't I the male in this relationship and you are the damsel in distress?" You countered his question with another, albeit it being more of a rhetorical one.

Midoriya pouted before laughing, with you being amused at his reaction.

"You really like teasing me so much, Y/n," he sighed after his fit of chuckles.

"Well, it's a hobby of mine," you simply replied before standing in front of his apartment before waving him off.

"This is my stop now, see ya tomorrow, Izu. Oh, and tell Inko I said 'hi'!" And within just a few seconds, you were finally out of his sight, Izuku's hand touched his cheeks only to feel them already heated up. 'Ah, this is happening more frequently,' he surmised.

'Do I have a fever?' He asked to himself before shaking his head and finally heading towards his home, a smile present on his face, unrelenting.

Back to you, you sighed for the umpteenth time this day as you headed towards you house, your lids drooping and your pace becoming lenient. Thoughts spread itself inside your head, before pinching your cheeks to make yourself focus as you walked.

'I smiled so much this day, it's draining me,' you thought, yet it was interrupted once you took note of something rubbing itself against your legs. Your heartbeat hastened, and as you looked downards, it returned to its usual pace as you crouched down. It was only a cat.

The feline rubbed itself against your hand, and with you patting its head, it purred and a soft laugh escaped from your lips, elated.

"Kuro!" A voice called out, and your head turned upwards, seeing messy locks of indigo.

'Must be his owner,' you pondered as you righted yourself up, your hands leaving the cat, only to find it needy as it once again, cuddled itself against your leg. You only shook your head with a smile before picking the cat up and cradling it carefully against your chest.

The person who you'd just seen used his legs as a support, finally catching his breath from the extremity of his run whilst he crouched down.

"Kuro, you were so fast I wasn't able to catch you," the indigo-nette said before holding his hands towards you, as if gesturing you to hand his cat back to him. You did, only for the cat to resist.

You rubbed its ear before cooing, telling it to go back to its original owner. Much to your surprise, it did, and in just a second, it was back to its owner's arms.

You looked at the two before leaving, already longing for the softness of your bed beneath you, you were very much exhausted to say the least.

"Wait," a deep voice said, and you halted your steps.

"Thanks for keeping Kuro safe...", he muttered, tone grateful.

"It's no problem, cat mommy," you didn't know what came with to you, but you just had the sudden urge to tease the boy, man, or whatever.

"Hey, I have a name. Hitoshi Shinsou," you paused, before turning around and giving him a nod to acknowledge his introduction.

"Y/n. Something tells me we'll see each other often," you merely responded before walking away, the man just looked at your silhouette before chortling.

"Y/n, huh."

And oh how right you were.

You finally arrived at your house without any interruptions, and as you were to head upstairs, you were once again, obstructed from accomplishing it.

"Can't a girl just rest in peace?"

"Let's eat dinner first, you brat," the voice groggily said before sighing.

"'Kay, my lovely brother," you stifled out a laugh before finally going to the dining room and taking a seat.

"You're going to be the end of me."

"If that's the case, mind if we switch places?" 

Your brother, the ravenette, only groaned before placing plates before you.

"Just eat," his voice held no regards to humoring you before taking a seat, opposite to yours.

"You know, I'm just going to die, why bother wasting food on m-" And a spoon was pushed into your mouth as you talked, stopping you from talking. Had it went to your windpipe, you'd probably have started engaging with a coughing fit right now.

"I almost choked, ya know."

"Your fault," your brother,

Shouta, retorted.

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