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"What happened to your eyes, Y/n? It's not like it's h-horrible or anything, in fact, it's really cool!" Midoriya's eyes twinkled with sparkles, his excitement making you smile in return.

"I don't know, prolly because of my quirk," came your short reply, Midoriya only nodded, the elation on his visage was still pinned there. Silence now enraptured between you two, although a comfortable one at that. Until, a groan erupted from you.

"I'm tired, Shouta didn't allow me to eat my sweets, I didn't get to catch enough sleep, good luck, Izuku. You're on your own now," you turned around, ready to go back home after catching sight of the large gates of UA.

"But Y/n! We're only a few steps away," Midoriya convinced you as he tried to pull you back. Huffing, you complied to his wishes, not wanting to upset him after the stunt you'd pulled not long ago.

"Cheer up! I'll treat you to that new café near us after the exams!" Izuku incited, hoping to atleast lift your hopes up. It did, well, only a little but it did the job.

"Yeah yeah, but you can let go of my hand now, Izu," you chuckled at his flustered expression, rambling on and on as to explain that he did not mean to make you uncomfortable. Due to his divided attention, he almost collided to the ground for he tripped because of a rock. You tried to catch him, hoping that his fall wouldn't occur, yet a brunette already did.

A really cute one.

You zoned out from their conversation, staring at the girl's face instead. Gushing internally at how adorable this girl is.

'Ochako Uraraka,'you noted once she introduced herself.

"I finally talked to a girl!", Midoriya mumbled, a blush creeping on his face.

"Hm? Are you insinuating that to you, I am someone with a schlong?" You parted your lips to chuckle as he went on to apologize that he'd made you think that was the case. His reactions always never failed to entertain you.

But alas, all good things must come to an end.

An angry pomeranian appeared!

"Hey, Shithead and Deku!" The voice shouted, Midoriya stopped walking yet you didn't. "Listen to me god damn it!" Oh, you knew the owner of that voice so well.

Bakugou growled, the prospect of you ignoring his presence not sitting well with him. 'Tsk! It's not as if I find her presence great or anything, let her walk past for all I care.'

You halted your steps, and so did the blondie and Izuku. "What?" You enquired, wanting this conversatiom to be finished already. "Don't get in my way!", Bakugou yelled, storming off and leaving the two of you dumbfounded.

You sighed, "Let's go now, Izu. Nothing new, nothing new," and the two of you proceeded to head to the place where the exams would be held.

"Looks like I'm in Center A," you mumbled as you sat inbetween Izuku and Bakugou. "Eh? We're in the same center," Izuku replied with the same tone, wondering why two people of the same school weren't allowed to be together yet you two were.

"Tsk, now I can't defeat you two.", Bakugou grumbled lowly. Your eyes darted to his, before replying, "As If you'd be able to beat me," you'd think that Bakugou would pounce on you, but to your surprise, he sat there like an obedient dog. "Why are you in here? Aren't you recommended?" He asked with a calm tone, much to your surprise

"That is for me to know and for you to find out," you said, and irk marks appeared on his head at your statement. The one time he'd talked to you in a civil manner and you just had to be so snarky about it.

No regrets.

You shrugged, closing your eyes as you deemed it to be the right time to catch some z's. Until someone stopped you from doing so, irated, you opened one eye to look at the perpetrator.

"And you, the girl with h/c hair! Sleeping during the course of explaining such event is rude! If you want to sleep, then go home and leave," after he said that, Midoriya gulped, already knowing what's next since he knew that waking you up was like... wishing to be dug 6 feet under.

"Such a know-it-all, eh? You're just an examinee, like the rest of us, right? Stop acting like you're one level above us, dipshit," you responded to the blue-nette with a bite, irritation flowing through your veins.

"Fucking motherfuckers won't let me get some fucking sleep," you mumbled lowly as you glared at the ceiling, with Bakugou's eyes grazing over you as if it was wondrous that someone like you had such a colorful vocabulary such as him.

"Y/n-chan, calm down.", Midoriya hushed with a sweatdrop, already predicting that this'd happen.

You clicked your tongue, now in the arena to fend off some robots. Although you weren't able to catch what Present Mic said, you knew that bringing destruction to these would be what the whole exam entailed.

"Y/n, let's do our best!"

You mustered up a grin. This was Midoriya, after all. No matter how groggy and shitty you'd felt, you'd still put on a beam if that was what would make him happy.

With you catching him off guard, the apple of his cheeks heated up since he was more used to the small smiles you flashed him every now and then.

"Yeah, let's."

"START!" Although most are in a sort of like trance, you immediately jumped off into action, arms in the likelihood of the 3rd hour of the clock, fingers aimed at the robot, smoke oozing out, "Gimmel!", and it immediately combusted once the smoke swallowed it. 

The students behind you were in awe at your actions. 

You dismissed what was subsequently said, already off to the who-knows-how-manyth robot you'd yet to destroy. 'I want to go home...', you thought before continuing the act of fending the gargantuan electronics off.

One of them, however, managed to caught you off guard. "If you think you can best me like this, you're wrong.", you said with a smirk, although knowing that the robot was far from able to comprehend words.

You shot yourself on the head, red-brown smoke oozing out from your finger. You disappeared for a minute before appearing behind the robot, "Gimmel,", you spoke, and the smoke engulfed it, now broken into pieces.

Moments after, the ground rumbled. This hadn't happened with the other machineries, yet as you whipped your head towards the source of the sound, you instantly produced the conclusion that it was more than conspicuous that this was unlike those that you'd fought with before.

It was gigantic, so much that even that term was an understatement apropos of its humongous size that towered over everything that was sat near it.

. . .

A scream of despair caught you off guard, and your feet immediately moved to the distressed voice. Your eyes caught the sight of a girl who was trapped under what seems to be a rubble. Midoriya caught your eyes, and the two of you nodded in silent agreement. Midoriya ran off to the robot and you stayed with the brunette.

Fourth hour of the clock, "Dalet!", and smoke engulfed the rubble, sending it back to where it was supposed to beㅡ the girl now free. She was familiar... Ah, Ochako! You walked over to where she was, a concerned look on your face.

"Don't worry, we'll get you to the clinic once this is ove-" And curses continuously flowed from your mouth as you saw Midoriya falling to his death.

"Zayin!" You shouted, and Izuku was now frozen in time. You knew that it was just a matter of time 'til he falls again since your quirk was weaker if you didn't perform the needed gestures. Needless to say, you ran and ran, now, you were below him.

"Release," and Izuku continued to fall, him closing his eyes as if the action will save him. Second hour of the clock, "Bet!" You aimed at him, smoke swallowing him and he was now descending towards the ground much more unhurried. And you were right there to catch him, the position quite-like the bridal-style.

. . . ''I really am the knight in shining armour in this relationship, huh?''

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