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Darkness enveloped your whole form, your already horrid eyesight becoming much worse due to the dimness of the place.

"Where am I...", you questioned yourself, and as you squinted, you saw light coming from something that wasn't that far from your current position. Seeing that this was most likely just you lucid dreaming again, you figured that it wouldn't hurt to go.

Closer . . .

and closer . . .

And before you were able to reach the source of the incandescence, a voice was heard by you, 

"Skiá kai chrónos, chrónos kai skiá. Prosochí se ósous tha kánoun típota móno gia ti dýnamí sas," the voice said. You could recognize the language, 'Greek,' you concluded, yet you couldn't decipher what was stated. And before you knew it, you were crouching down in pain, your hands clutched within the confines of your hair, as if the action would do anything to lessen the throbbing sensation.

You jolted upright, cold beads of sweat started to form around your temple and you placed a hand on top of the left side of your chest, right where your heart was situated, subsequently feeling your heart beat erratically. Bright lights met your eyes causing you to close them again due to the intensity.

"Good to know that you're awake," finally acknowledging the presence beside you, you gulped, seeing the frown that was plastered on their face. Forming a meek smile, you attempted to form a plan quickly quickly on what you should say, but to no avail, only idiotic sentences formed.

"Hey, brada. How are you on this fine day. Peachy, hopefully," you rambled before consequently nervously chuckling, cheering internally for not stammering in front of your already steaming sibling. Idiotic as they might be, still, it was worth a shot.

A sigh escaped from him, although, his glowering at you never ceased. You were just pleased to know that he wasn't scolding you that much due to your own recklessness.

Spoke too soon.

Looks like the deep breath he took was just a way for him to inhale deeply to ready his lungs for his speech. Once he opened his mouth to finally nag your ears off, you readied your eardrums as you winced, howbeit him not even starting yet.

"Did you know know how dangerous was that stunt you pulled? You could've gotten injuries far worse than what you have now. You don't even know how to fully utilize your quirk yet you jumped onto that villain as if you were already a Pro Hero. What if your quirk didn't function as well as you wanted it to? You could've died, you runt." Thus, that was the end of his monologue, graciously enough. He didn't raise his voice, but that, all the more, made it much more terrifying and fear-inducing.

"Well, unfortunately, I'm still alive Shouta. You don't need to worry for me at all! I'm alive and well, you see," you replied, hoping to calm him down from his seething annoyance at your non-formulated actions.

He heaved out a sigh once more before shaking his head, already knowing that his words would eventually end up not being heeded by you at all. You were his sibling, after all  and he knew you better than anyone.

His eyes darted towards the door, a groggy look on his face. You, noticing his actions, followed his gaze.

"What is it?" You asked, a yawn following right after that.

"Some green-haired boy. He's been there for a week, going home whenever his mother calls for him. He's your friend, isn't he? I'll call him for you," Aizawa stood up before exiting, and in turn, the said boy entered.

You simpered, and before you could greet him, he engulfed you into a hug that almost took your breath away. 

"Hey Izu, what's wro..." Yet you stopped yourself once you saw and felt his form shaking, small sobs coming from him. Your smile turned into a frown, after all, you wouldn't ever want to be the reason why your bestest friend cried.

"Y/n... Please don't d-do that ever again," he uttered between sobs. Your hand travelled towards his green tuft of locks, massaging his scalp hoping that the action somewhat relaxes the poor boy. It wasn't enough to utterly quell his crying, but it did help with calming him down gradually.

"You know I can't promise that," you obstinately replied.. Your mind drifted off to the event that happened last week(?) and as much as Bakugou ignited the annoyance in your heart, you couldn't bear seeing someone who you'd known for so long getting hurt (granted that he was definitely a pain in the arse), moreso when you could've done things to prevent it in the first place.

"B-but you almost got hurt. I can't bear the sight of me just standing there and y-you getting injured because I wasn't strong enough to defend anyone... It's because of me that you ended up here...", his voice shook, and as you continued to play with his curly tresses that you'd grown to love so much, you noticed the way his breathing slowed down, cries resonating around the room no more.

"Izuku, look at me," you pushed him lightly before cupping his cheeks with your hand, wiping away the excess tears that trickled down. 

"I'm alive, healthy, and most importantly, not that injured. Don't blame yourself over something that is so trivial. I know that my words aren't so... helpful? But I do wish that the fact that you've done nothing wrong rams itself up inside your brain," you then pulled him closer, your hands pushing any of the hair that is on his forehead, before finally placing your lips on top of it. After that, you pulled him back to his original positionㅡ you cradling him like a baby, since he, after all, resembles one so damn much.

Izuku's cheeks reddened, the normal beating pace of his heart increasing as numerous thoughts swirled around his head. He was your best friend, wasn't he? And it would just stay as that. He should be merry... Jovial, even, that you  tolerated him long enough for you to stay with him.

Yet knowing that your relationship with him was at a standstill...

...Why does that fact sting his heart so much?

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