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"Y/n, you were recommended, right?" Midoriya enquired to which you nodded, already knowing where this conversation was headed towards.

"Then why did you take the Entrance Exam for the normal examinees?" He continued, waiting for your answer. You propped your head on top of your hand balled into fists,  ready to reply. "Bakugou really is getting on my nerves, so what better way it is to shove into his face that he's not always the best and he needs to stop acting so damn superior," you voiced out, and Midoriya only nodded.

"Man, I'm blown," you sighed satisfyingly as you slumped on the chair, your eyes drooping as you took a scoop from your ice cream, relishing the taste. You looked at Midoriya, who was deep in his thoughts as he stared at the dessert in front of him, unmoving.

"Hey, Izuku?" Hoping to take Midoriya out from his trance, and it did. He beamed sheepishly at you as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry Y/n, what is it again?" 

You shook your head with a smile, having been accustomed to the boy's antics long ago. Placing your bag on your lap, you rummaged the contents inside before your eyes lit up. Midoriya fastened his gaze at you, curious as to what you're doing.

"What are y-" He stopped himself once you showed him a familiar notebook. You pushed it towards him, sliding from your side of the table to his, and he wasted no time to take it as he immediately scanned the object.

"Sooo, I knew what happened with you and Bakugou one time wherein he burned your notebook and threw it outside. Sorry, I was absent back then so I wasn't able to save it. But! Thanks to my quirk, I was able to go back in time to acquire it-" Just as you were about to finish your sentence, your eyes widened once you saw Midoriya cupping his face with his hands, sobbing sounds escaping from him.

"Hey... is my gift for you that bad that it mad eyou cry?" You humoured, hoping that it would somehow ease the boy and put a halt to his crying. "N-no, that's n-not it..."

And you were taken aback at his next actions.

He stood up from his chair before hurrying to hug you, his head on your chest as he wailed. You only sighed, a smile on your face after. Not minding the stares you were given, you placed your hands on his hair, playing with his soft green locks, an act that you noticed you were doing a lot the past few weeks.

"Y-you're the only friend that I had du-during the bad times with Kacchan, you were- Y/n... thank you..." He stammered, his breathing slowly regaining its usual pace.

"That's a bit of an overreaction, ey, Izuku? I know how important that notebook is, but damn," he shook his head as he finally looked up at you, his tears staining his countenance, and your hands moved to wipe away the incoming ones.

"That's not the only reason why I'm acting like t-this," a smile finally erupted from his face as he stared at the person who acted as his light in the dimmest of days.

''Thank you for being my friend, Y/n.''

You draped a hand over your eyes as you sighed, tiredness enveloping your whole stature. You remembered the events awhile ago, and you only chuckled at how your bestfriend acted.

'Man, he was so flustered once he saw the stares given at us,' you smiled at the thought, yet once you remembered one of them saying 'Ah, young love," the lightest of pink dusted your face.

You were snapped out of your thoughts once you heard your phone ring, signalling you that someone was phoning you. You took it and answered the call you were currently receiving.

"Hey, 'Toshi, what's up?"

And, since the two of you were always somehow bumping up against each other, you thought why not exchange numbers since you two're growing closer.

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