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If was boring, all of it was. You just wanted to hurl yourself off of a ten-story building just to feel at least some kind of thrill. "Y/n and Jirou," Shouta called out to you two since you were next in line of this test that somehow tests your speed. 

"Yo," you waved at her, to which she nodded back with a smile. You were left standing there while she crouched down in a sort of athlete's position. Your eyes darted around the group of people watching you guys, and as you felt someone staring at you, you whipped your head to the location of the perpetrator before finally seeing who he is. He was attractive, but damn his staring is uncomfortable. 

Your eyes caught his, his gaze unwavering. Taking it as a battle to test out which of you can last longer without blinking, not once did you direct your attention on something else. Well, except for when Shouta told you two to start. Jirou had a little bit of a headstart since it took longer for you to start running. First hour of the clock, Aleph, brown smoke seeped to your fingers, and before anyone knew it, a bang resonated as you placed your finger underneath your chin to shoot yourself with the imaginary gun. 

It was all too fast for them to comprehend. "3.52 seconds. Not bad," Shouta said as you just nodded before going on towards your way. Not long after that Jirou reached the end as well. 

You sauntered towards Midoriya before draping your arm over his shoulder, leaning all of your body weight on him as you waved off the compliments of your classmates. You just wanted all of this to be over since nothing even close to entertainment was present. "Izuku, I want to go home," you sighed. Midoriya just stood there. After all those years of being your friend, albeit the word leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, he thought he's gotten over with being flustered around you. Well, turns out he was wrong.

"Y-Y/n, the tests just started," and he cursed himself inwardly for stuttering. When will he able to just talk freely without stumbling over his own words? "I don't care. This is boring," and you knew you sounded like a whining child but who cares?  

Midoriya felt someone's gaze on him. And truth to be told, this one was filled with hatred, and he just has the hunch as to whom did it came from. He whipped his head around, only to see the narrowed and glaring eyes of Bakugou set upon him. Gah, what did he do now?! He tried his best to stay away from his 'allegedly' childhood friend, but was his existence that bad that even just by him breathing, it was enough to set the blonde into a raging fit?

"Don't mind him, he's prolly on his time of the month," and as much as Midoriya tried to chuckle, it proved to be quite hard due to Bakugou's incessant glaring at his form.

It was finally Midoriya's time to show how he's changed. That he was not the always crying, snot-filled boy he used to be. "Go Izuku," you cheered, although the tone of your voice was a bit lackluster, it was enough to fill him with determination. 

You watched intently as he prepared to throw the ball. You were curious of how far Midoriya has gone when it comes to his prowess. Though, you knew it'd be hard to feign shock when it comes down to it for you knew what would happen next, but not the reason how it happened.

The Fifth Bullet, Hei. It allows the owner of the quirk to catch a glimpse of the future. It is quite a downer though since it was only a glimpse, all you would be able to see are little snippets. Though, that was all you needed. Zoning out since you knew what would happen next, you only snapped out of your stupor once you heard Bakugou's loud voice. And to say that it was loud was just an understatement.

You could see stomping over to where Izuku was, his hands already balled up into fists as he took ahold of the green-ette's collar. "Katsuki, stop it," you said with such calmness that it didn't feet the current situation. You had used Zayin on him, careful enough just so that no one would see you using your quirk. Quickly, you maneuvered your hands so that Midoriya was now out of Bakugou's grasps. The attention of all the gym's inhabitants were all set on you three, and Aizawa could only shake his head at your antics for he knew what you've done.

"Y/n, you do know that using your quirk on other people is prohibited," he scolded you yet you could only shrug, indifferent. "I did what I have to do, Shouta," you replied, as you took Izuku's hand in yours so that you two would have some kind of distance separating yourselves from the always-angry Bakugou.

"That's Aizawa-sensei- you know what, nevermind. Kaminari, you're up next," he just sighed, already feeling tired from all the events. Uraraka went closer to you two, sparkles in her eyes as she applauded you from doing your job of halting the fight that might spur. "You were so cool back there, L/n!" she exclaimed, and Iida who was next to her only nodded. "However, your inexcusable way of referring to our adviser is unnaceptable!" you only laughed at what Iida said to you.

"Oops, I just can't find myself calling my brother that," you reasoned as your eyes watched what was taking place. After a few moments finally passing, results were out and bam! You were proud of getting atleast third. However, once you looked at the name that inhabited the last part of the list, your eyebrows furrowed.

"Izuku.." you muttered under your breath. Shouta somehow should've seen the potential that Midoriya has, right?! That'd be enough for him not to expel the aforementioned boy- and as your thoughts continued on and on, it was cut off by your sibling.

"The expulsion thing was a lie," and as he said that, almost everyone's eyes bulged out of their sockets. Unbelieving of his words. "WAIT, REALLY?!" All of them shouted in disbelief. One ravenette had a different reaction from the rest, though. "Oh come on everyone, it was really obvious. It was just a tactic so that we'd do our best," she explained, and everyone almost believed her words,


"I beg to differ," you sad as you stood up next to your one and only bestest friend, Midoriya Izuku. Everyone's eyes turned to you, wondering what your say was. "The expulsion, it ain't a lie," a smile grazed your lips as you ruffled the hair of the person you're standing next to. "He believed that Izuku here has potential, so he decided not to expel him. Am I right, dear brother?" you ended, and you could see him shaking his head for the nth time before sighing. There was a ghost of a smile on his face. 

And as everyone felt relief since they were weren't kicked off from this school, it was already yet another day nearing its end. But one person has other thoughts, though. His eyes never left your form, as countless of thoughts swirled around his mind. You were strong, that was for certain. You would be someone that is hindering him from reaching the top and he can't have that-

After all, it was the purpose of Todoroki Shouto being brought upon into this world.


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