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Life surely ain't great. You didn't know how matters turned out like this; was this even Bakugou? Right now, all you could ever see was a wrath-filled brat that has no qualms with whatever he was currently doing. "Bakugou, fuck- Stop acting like a childish brat!" you shouted at him as you saw what he was currently doing. As of the moment, a clone of yours was doing your job of protecting the weapon.

Let's rewind time, shall we?

It was finally again, the time for heroics. Due to everyone's surprise but yours, again- due to Hei, you were able to foresee the time of All Might entering the classroom. Your eyes wandered over to the boy in front of you. You could see him being the overly-excited Izuku once again, yet something was different. It was as if a different vibe surrounded him, like he was almost used to the aforementioned Pro Hero's appearance or presence. 

"I have come through the door like a normal person!" he exclaimed as he flexed and showed off his muscles that almost popped out of his costume. Everyone had sparkles ignited in their eyes as they've seen their favorite hero, moreover, they were shocked that he was actually teaching here in U.A in the first place. 

Cue commentary from some of your classmates that you actually didn't care about. Your attention was struck, however, when All Might finally announced the event for today: Battle Trial! Battle means fighting, and fighting means entertainment that'd actually make you feel something akin to actually liking living! 

"Here are your costumes, young lads!" He said with his boisterous voice as he clicked a button, and once he did, the suitcases that contained your hero costumes appeared into your line of sights. "Head to the Ground Beta once you all finished changing," and with that, poof! He was gone.

Time to change.

Your costume was comprised of your shirt with puffy black sleeves designed with red frills. It gave of a gothic feel to it and your torso was covered with a tight-fit pants that had ruffles spread around it. On your head was a headpiece similar to what a maid would wear– the color scheme not differing from your current outfit. It was  in no way related to your quirk nor would it help you somehow, but it was cute, just like the way you designed it. You liked one feature though, and it was the pair of black fingerless gloves that covered your hands. You were sure though that it wasn't leather but whatever. All you could say that you were, in fact, quite satisfied with how your costume turned out to be.

"Woah, Y/n, you look so... cute!" Uraraka gushed as you looked at her with a small smile. "And you look good too. The body suit hugged your curvy body quite well, thus, I approve!" You jokingly said as you flashed her a thumbs up. What made it even more hilarious was that her already rosy cheeks intensified. Coming closer to her, you ruffled her hair as you let out a chuckle. "You really are cute."

Uraraka didn't know what to do at this point. She was quite sure that she was straight, one hundred percent even, so why was she feeling this way?! It was as if the whole universe was playing a joke on her since she felt something that she only thought she could only ever feel with the opposite sex- "You look really cool!" Some girl who you forgot the name of, said to you. You just waved the compliment off before exchanging introductions once again. All was fare and well since you really don't have any idea as to what the future holds for you.

Not long after that, you and the girls entered into the place where All Might told you all to go. Once you entered, you saw more of the cool costumes your classmates had. One caught your eye though. It was Todokiro something, did you got the name right? His left side was covered in ice, and as you inspected him more, you finally had a conclusion: he looks really cool.

"Could you please stop staring. It's quite rude," his voice said to you as your eyes finally left his form and met his eyes. "Sorry, sorry. Won't happen again, chief," and as you walked away, he narrowed his eyes at you. You were one of the people he was paying a close attention to. If anything, he'd say that the two of you are in the same level when it comes to the raw power of your quirk, it was something that he wasn't quite sure of yet since he hadn't actually seen you fight.

"Iida! You look like a cyborg-" you complimented (?) him as you passed him. He nodded his head as he pushed his glasses up. "I humbly appreciate the compliment you've given me!" He was too polite, you thought so you'd decided to just leave him in his own world of richness or eliteness or just whatever the right term for it was.

You stifled a laugh once you saw Midoriya enter the scene. He was too cute! He had bunny ears for fuck's sake! "It really ain't obvious that your idol is All Might," you chuckled as you placed a hand on your hips, sizing him up. "A-ah Y/n! Y-you look pretty today- No! I-It's not just t-today I mean- Everyday!" he stumbled over his own words once again. You weren't that bothered for he was always like this since the two of you became friends. He always fidgeted and was apparently nervous around you, which made you think that maybe, he's growing tired of the friendship you two have? It's not something that you dwelled in that much, though. Once All Might finished explaining the procedure, you thought of something stupid.

You weren't sure what made you do this. You were bored and curious since you've never went that far when it came to your quirk. 'Yud Aleph,' you thought, and as a second passed by, you thought that maybe, you weren't that powerful yet since it didn't work? Once another passed by, however, it made you think otherwise. You were in the fucking future! There he was, Bakugou almost obliterating Midoriya into pieces. Wait, what was happening?! Though, once you saw the band on your wrist and with the kani 'villain' stamped on it, you had the gist of what was happening. You hurriedly sent your clone to the weapon as your focus was locked on the fight between green and yellow.

"Hey, Katsuki! Stop being a fucking brat!"

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