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Who knew that your brother would be your homeroom teacher. Definitely not you. You stomped towards him, your classmates staring at you in wonder, aside from Midoriya.

And as you neared him, there he was, laying on the floor being kept inside the hold of his yellow sleeping bag. You pointed a finger accusingly at him, an irk mark on your head.

"Shouta, why did you not tell this info to your sibling, huh?"

.  .  .

"Wait- SISTER?!" There came the surprised voices of the other students. They, too, were shocked, as they slowly indulged the information. Midoroya sweatdropped at you, already used to your shenanigans.

"Y/n... c-calm down," he coaxed you from strangling your own brother and be convicted of murder. After all, who would want their best friend to land themselves in the presinct, certainly not him.

"I'm calm Izuku," you clicked your tongue once you saw him standing up, but not before unzipping himself from the sleeping bag. "This is the hero course," he paused, sparing a mere glance at you and acting as if the shenanigan you've caused didn't happen earlier.

"And it took all of you 8 seconds to be silenced. Until this girl here broke it," he narrowed his eyes at you and in return, you glared back at him. "Time is gold, and I can say that all of you are far from being rational enough," he finished.

Now facing the class, he tucked his hands into his pockets before introducing himself, "And I'm Aizawa Shouta, your homeroom teacher. And that'd be..." He once again directed his gaze towards you and you only clicked your tongue, irated. 

"Sir Aizawa for you. Got it, you brat?" Oh- oh, that does it. Feeling that it was better to rant all out on him later at home, you only replied with a, "Yeah yeah, Shouta."

"That is no way to address our teacher!" Iida reproached and you only stick your tongue out at him. "Couldn't care less."

After the commotion, Shouta pulled out a gym uniform. "I know that this've taken all of you by surprise, but wear this and head to the field." Walking towards you and patting you on the head, he handed you your uniform. "Go change now, kid." 

"Yeah, yeah, Shouta." A repeat of what you'd just told him.

"Sir Aizawa."

"Take two. Yeah, yeah, Sir Aizawa," you sarcastically replied, although, he seemed to be satisfied by your choice of words. That was, after all, the most he would be able to get out from you.

"It's really a surprise that Aizawa-sensei and you are related to each other!" Uraraka exclaimed, surprised as the two of you changed in the locker rooms. This seemed to pique the interest of the rest of the girls as well for they let themselves in on the conversation.

"Yeah! You two act so differently!" A pink-ette chided in. "Oh! I'm Ashido Mina," came in the rush of the other introductions of the rest of the girls, and yours as well.

"Let's go now or else we'll be late. And judging our current teacher, he's quite the serious type," a raven-ette wearing a ponytail stated to all of you and the responses were nods and small 'yes's.

"A QUIRK APPREHENSION TEST?!" The rest of the students yelled, Y/n excluded, already bored for the turnout of the events. Tuning out the rest of his words, you studied each and one of your classmates, and your eyes finally landed on the green-ette next to you, looking like he became filled with trepidation due to what Aizawa declared.

"Y/n, you placed first in the entrance exams. In Junior High, how far were you able to throw a softball?" Shouta asked, snapping you out of your trance. His eyes already narrowed at you, knowing that you were not listening to the speach he's had awhile ago. Putting your hands up in defense, the eyes of your classmates bore unto your figure, curious as to what set of events would unravel.

"Uh, 56 meters?" You answered meekly, almost as if questioning yourself. You were not sure of the numbers you've given, but it'll do. Although, who the hell kept track of this information?!

He nodded, somewhat satisfied with your response. Handing you a softball, he gestured for you to enter the circle on the ground. "Use your quirk whilst you throw it. Hurry up." 

"Don't rush me," you snarkily replied. Holding the ball in your hands, you readied to use your quirk. Already up in the air, you quickly positioned your arms in the first hour of the clock. Black smoke engulfed your finger, and you finally aimed it at the ball.

"Aleph." And as you said that, your classmates stared in awe, for the ball that you threw was no longer there in the speed of light, not even in their field of vision anymore. Seconds, minutes have passed, your classmates stared at the the device their homeroom teacher was holding, waiting dor the beep.

"1043.9 meters.", Shouta monotonely said. The eyes of your classmates grew to the size of china plates as they seemed to be surprised at how high the number featured in the device was.

"1043.9 METERS?!", they simultaeneously announced. A small grin erupting from your face, quite glad at the result if you'd say so yourself.

"Woah... cool!" Someone from the crowd said.

"Oh my, this is so fun!" A pink-ette exclaimed.

"We get to use our quirks! As expected from the hero course!" Someone whom you don't know yelled in delight. 

'Oh boy,' you thought, knowing what your brother's reaction will be.

"Fun, you say?" And you can already feel Shouta's aura beginning to darken. "You will spend 3 years in this academy and you're planning to become a hero with that kind of attitude?" You began to return from the place you were in before, just beside Midoriya.

"Y/n...?" You knew that he was dumbfounded at the way how things unfolded. "Shouta, he's always been like that. Last year, he expelled all of the old 1-A students," you said, yet low enough just so that only you and Midoriya could comprehend your words. Yet that didn't seem to be the case, it seemed so that their hearing was far better than what youd expected at first.

Their blood ran cold and they'd poured all of their attention to the man in charge. "Alright, change of plans. The student who has the lowest score will be deemed to be hopeles and will be..." He trailed off. The others were already on the edge.

"Expelled immediately," he concluded. Two words were all it took to make the class scream and yell out their horror. You were just there though, your hands swung around the shoulders of Izuku, his nervousness outweighing the feeling of flusteredness.

"Oh, cool."

Was your only say in this situation.

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