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You slightly opened your eyes and saw white ceiling above you.

"So it really was just a dream." you tought to yourself. 

You looked around yourself and saw familiar faces; Felix, Yeji, Chan, Jisung.

"Y/n's awake!" Jisung half-yelled pointing at you.

"Oh thank God!" Felix came closer grabbing your hand. You saw how worried he was, while on the other side Yeji seemed annoyed that you woke up. You understood that she just lost her brother but you didn't know why would she be mad at you. 

"Yeji, I'm really sorry for your loss. It's not easy for me as well. You know I loved him more than anything." you said while trying to sit. 

She ignored you.

"Yeji-" you tried to reach her but she exhaled loudly.

"You really think things were supposed to end this way huh?" she said with annoyed voice.

"Yeji cut it out. She doesn't need to know the truth now. Just let her heal first, okay?" Felix tried to stop her but she was over it.

"K-know what?" you asked while holding Felix's hand.

"I will tell you everything later okay? Just rest for now okay?" Felix tried to make you lay back but you pushed his hand. 

"No, you guys are hiding something from me. Just tell me now!" you whined.

"Why are you trying to protect her? SHE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE! NOT HYUNJIN!" she let it all out. You froze after hearing her words. What was that supposed to mean?"

"Yeji, what do your mean?" you asked her while trying to hold back the tears.


You just kept sitting there , staring into one dot. Not knowing what to do or think. You looked over to Yeji who seemed to be sorry after everything she has said. She ran out of the room but your could hear her sobbing.

"Felix, help me get up. I need to talk to her." it didnt take him a second to place his arms around you and run after Yeji. 

She was sitting on the bench outside the house. Felix brought you to her and sat you down, then left you to alone.

"Yeji, please, talk to me." you calmly said.

"I'm sorry y/n." she said while bursting into tears and hugging you.

"It's okay." you replied hugging her back.

You two just sat there for some time, and after Yeji calmed down, she managed to explain to you everything.

"We have just learned how to swim and we wanted for our parents to take us to this near by lake. We were both so exited. When we got there Hyunjin was already in the water. When our parents fell asleep, we tought it would be a good idea to explore deeper waters. At some point I got really scared and wanted to go back but when I turned around I couldn't see Hyunjin. He drowned." after hearing this your eyes have widened. You couldn't believe what you just heard.

"When my dad took his body out, he wasn't breathing anymore, and then we saw him. The grim reaper that came for my brothers soul. We begged him, to give my brother a second chance. At this point we were ready to give anything just to bring him back. So we agreed to sign the contract. In the contract it said that he will be given a secnod chance, if one day the grim reaper will be able to take something away from him that he cheriches the most. And that's you. Hyunjin cherished you the most. I remember how he would talk about you every night. He truly loved you y/n. Thats why he decided to sacrifice himself for you anyways. When he told me about his plan I was mad. He wasted the second chance that he was given. But I understood his decision. He said his life was nothing without you. That's why he did it. Let's not make his sacrifice a waste." she said as she smiled at you. While you coudn't even fake a smile. A lot of things were rushing through your head. You were supposed to be in his spot. You felt wrong about it. But seeing Yeji's smile made you feel a bit better. She felt bad about what she said to you eariler but she understands her brother's decision. 

"I know you probabbly feel bad or like you dont diserve this, but please, live on. Hyunjin always told me about the dreams that you want to achieve. He gave you the chance. You know yourself that he would want you to be happy. So please, make him have an easy rest up there and live on, achieve your dreams. I know if he could see you happy one day he would be smiling from up there. And no matter how sad I feel now, at least I'm happy I kept my best friend here with me." she said as she held your hand and smiled at you again. 

Thinking about your dreams, they weren't anything special. Your only dream was to have a one big happy family. Now that you think about it, you always saw Hyunjin in your future. You couldn't imagine your life without him. You never tought you would have to. But it is true that he would be happier if you were. For his sake, you are gonna live on and achieve your dreams.

After just sitting there one person cought your attention.

"Hey Yeji, could I go and talk to my brother over there?" you asked her already getting up.

"Sure, go on." she replied while heading inside.

You slowly made your way towards Jisung, feeling kind of nervous because of the other day.

"Hey." you said after slowly aproaching him, but he didn't reply to you.

"I'm really sorry for how acted towards you the other day. You know, yelling and stuff-" you began explaining yourself when he interupted you.

"What are you talking about? I wasn't mad with you for even a second. Youre my sister afterall. Plus, Felix explained everything so don't worry." he said as he hugged you.

You felt really good after a longer period. You felt warm around your heart and you wanted for the feeling to last forever. A couple of minutes later Felix came out and invited all of you inside saying the important meeting is about to happen. You and Jisung immediately went inside.

All of you were in one room, sitting at the table, when Felix started.

"So, we don't know what are grim reappers furter actions but we should be ready for anything, even the worse situations. Even tho he took Hyunjin, I don't think he would give up on y/n that easily. But I found the thing that can take him down once and for all. It's located in Spain. Right now I belive the best plan is that y/n and I go. You all should stay here, Chan can take care of you." he said.

"I actually agree with Felix. Our main intention right now is tho keep y/n safe. the second one would be that we take this bastard down, so I agree." Yeji nodded her head.

"I also think it's the best thing for now." Chan also agreed.

"Jisung?" Felix asked for Jisung's opinion.

"As long as you keep her safe its good. If I realise a single hair missing from her head you are dead meet." he said strictly.

"Don't worry, I will do everything to keep her safe." he said as he looked over at you and smiled.

You got that feeeling again. The warm feeling around your heart. What was that feeling? Were you slowly falling for Felix?" you questioned yourself as you looked down at your hand. spining the ring you had, the one Hyunjin gave you. You promissed yourself, Hyunjin will always be in your best memories, and only remain there as your first, but not last love.

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